58 Assembly Proceedings, April 1-26, 1684.
Resolved alsoe tht the bill for Electing and summoning
delegates be Taken Into [further] Consideraccon.
Resolved [al]soe that the secrys Record the Lawes of
this province According to a vote of the Last sitting of this
Assembly, vide Journall [folio] 41: 42: & 64:
Resolved alsoe that the house require of the Attourney
Generall to present to them the bill, According to the Ordr
vpon the Journall of the house ffolio: 65: for preventing of
Arrests of Judgment and Stay of Executions.
Signd p Ordr Ant Vnderwood Cl Comtee
Which paper being read
The House Adjournes Till Munday morning Eight of the
p. 6
Munday Aprill the Seventh 1684:
The house mett and Called all present as On Satterday.
Mr Greens
Then Came Mr Leonard Green and prayed the
Exuse of the house for not Attending sooner Affirm-
ing, that Sickness hath been the cause of his absence, wch Excuse
being Admitted he Takes his place.
Capt Hills
Capt Richard Hill alsoe desires to be Excused
because he sayth he hath been [detained] by Con-
trary winds from Attending sooner, his Excuse being Admitted
he Takes his place.
Then was read what was done Satterday
of the 5th
sent vp:
Then was Mr Burford Mr Clemt Hill Capt Richard
Hill & Capt Orsborne sent [to the Upper House] with
the message of the 5th Instant.
They returne and say they have delivered the same.
Mr Secry Darnall from the vpper house, brings a message
wch being read is as followeth.
A message
about the
grand Com-
Upper house of Assembly Apll the 7th 1684
This house have resolved themselves into a grand
Committee & desire the Lower house, to meet them
in this house, at Two of the Clock afternoone to
Inspect & Examine the Lawes of this province, According to
the vote of both houses.
Signd p Ordr John LLewellin Cl of Assembly
The houses
This house resolves Into a grand Comittee Accord-
ing to the vote aforesd And Coll Philemon Loyd
Chosen Chaireman They Adjourne them selves Into the Coun-
cill Chamber, Where were prsent the members of the Lower