Assembly Proceedings, April 1-26, 1684. 57
A message
the Lawes
Upper house Aprill the 5th 1684
His Lopp haveing Signifyed To this house The great
Care & Trouble he hath Taken in haveing fairely
Transcribed the Temporall and perpetuall Lawes of
This Province for the pervsall and Examinaccon of
this Assembly hath likewise desired for his further satisfaccon
and to prevent the vnnecessary delay of messages, That the
Lower house would resolve themselves into a grand Com-
mittee, and Joyne with this house, in Inspecting & Examine-
ing The said Lawes, Or to Appoynt some of Their members,
To Joyne wth some of the members of this house therein, To
the End that they may receive the Approbation and Con-
firmaccon of this Assembly wth his Lspps most gracious Assent
therevnto. In Obedience wherevnto this house doe propose
Munday next be Appoynted to doe the same.
Signd p Ordr John LLewellin Cl of Assembly
The Last message Taken Into Consideraccon of this house,
And therevpon Voted that This house doe Resolve them-
selves into a gr[and Commi]ttee One Munday Morning next,
to meet the vpper house [as desired] by the foregoeing
message ;
And therevpon was Drawne the following paper
p. 5
to the last
Lower house of Assembly Aprill the 5th 1684.
Voted, That this house, Doe Resolve themselves
Into a grand Committee On Munday morning next
to meet the vppr house as Is desired by the Message
of this day, by Coll Darnall & Mr Secry Sewall
Signd p Ordr C Boteler Cl &c
The foregoeing vote sent to the vpprhouse by Capt Jno Ors-
borne & Mr James ffrizby, who returne and say that the vppr
house is Adjourn'd soe they Could not deliver the same.
Capt Smith from the Committee for Inspecting the Journall
brings the following paper.
of the Comtee
for Inspect-
ing the Jour-
Satterday Aprill the 5th 1684:
Att a Committee for Inspecting the Journall of
the Lower house of Assembly Resolved by this
Committee tht the matter Concerning prisones
secureing of prisoners and Appoynting Jaylors,
wch was recomended by his Lordspp to the Last meeting of
Assembly, be now Taken Into Consideraccon.
Resolved alsoe tht the bringing of money Into this province
be taken Into Consideraccon.