56 Assembly Proceedings, April 1-26, 1684.
p. 4
The sayd members Takeing with them, the foregoing Order
Goe out vpon the business They alsoe Take with them the
Booke and Roles of lawes wch they are Ordered to deliver to
the vppr house.
The house Adjournes till to morrow Morning Eight a Clock
Satterday Aprill the ffifth 1684
The house mett and Called all prsent as yesterday ;
Then was read what was done yesterday ;
excuses him-
Th [en Capt.] Henry Johnsone, & desire this
house to Excuse him for not [returning to the
house] sooner, which hee would have done but
that Sickness prv[ented him which] Excuse being
by the house he takes his place.
Caecill Bur-
gesses excuse
Then Ca[me Mr] James ffrizby & Capt William
Peerce and desire to bee Excused for not Attend-
ing the house sooner, Affirming that they have
been Eight dayes vpon the water but that Contrary winds,
have hindered thm for Comeing Sooner, as they really desired
and Endeavoured, wch Excuse being Admitted, they Take
their places.
Added to the
Comtee for
the Journall.
a Comtee clerk
A bill for
ing the lawes
Ordered to be
Then was Capt Henry Smith and Major Thomas
Long Added to the Committee for Inspecting the
Journall of this house, &
The Committee Goe out vpon their Charge.
Mr John Bloomfeild appoynted to be Clk of the
Comittee of Accots
Voted that a bill be drawne for Ascertayning the
True force & validity of the Lawes of this prov-
ince passed and to be passed In the Absence of
the Right Honoble the Lord proprietary of this prov-
ince his heires & Successors Lords and Propry Thereof, Pursu-
ant to the Votes of this house, Entered in the Journall of this
house, Last meeting: And Ordered That this Vote be sent
to the Committee, for Inspecting the Journall of This house of
the last meeting that they may draw vp the bill Accordingly:
The aforesd Vote and Order Signd by the Clk of this
house [is] sent to the sayd Committee by Mr Richard Hall
He returnes and sayes he hath delivered the same
Coll Henry Darnall and Mr Secry Sewall Come with a
message from the vppr house wch being read is as followeth