Assembly Proceedings, April 1-26, 1684. 55
Voted that nine of the Members of this house and the
Speaker shall be a house, Till further Order therein be Taken
by this house, and Entered vpon the Journall ;
The booke
of Lawes
sent for.
Brought to
the house.
Then was Major Long sent to the Secretaryes to
desire them to send one of Their Clerkes, wth the
booke of Lawes To this house.
Then Came Ino Darnall Esq and Nicholas Sewall
Esq Secry [and] bring the booke and severall Rowles of Lawes
into this house [But desire] may be returned to this Vpper
house to Night.
Prizes of
Then This house proceed, to the Consideraccon of
the R of Lvquors, as they have been settled by the
Maiors Court of St Maryes this prsent yeare.
lb Tob:
1 20: pr Gall
100: p Gall
ffyall & St Georges Wyne
80: p Gall
Madara wyne
100: p Gall
Clarrett & Porto Port
100: p Gall
Passada wyne
1 20: p Gall
Sherry & Rheynish wyne
1 20: p Gall
White wyne
100: p Gall
Cyder, Perry & quince drinck each
30: p Gall
Brandy Punch made of a qrt of brandy
50: p Bowie
Rumm Punch made of a qrt of Rumm
40 p Bowie
150 p Gall:
Muscovado Sugar, to be pd for at the Rate of 10lb p lb:
Ordered that all Expences of the publique shall be regu-
lated, According to the Rates and Prizes aforesd, ffor this
Meeting of Assembly.
A Committee
To Inspect
the Journall.
Voted [that] a Committee, be Appoynted to
Inspect the Journall of the Lower [house] of the
Last meeting of this Assembly, & report to this
house what business, was left vnfinished the Last
meeting, wch is Necessary to be proceeded On by this house,
And that report thereof be made to this house by Tenn a
Clocke To morrow morning.
Therevpon was made the following Order (vizt)
Order To
the Comtee
Lower house of Assembly Aprill the 4th 1684
Mr Robert Carvile & Mr John Rousby, being
Appoynted to be a Committee for Inspecting the
Journall of this house, of the first sitting of this Assembly
And report to this house by Ten of the Clocke to morrow
morning what matter is fitt to be proceeded vpon, this sitting
tht was left vnfinnished the Last meeting.
Signd p Order C Boteler Clk of the Lower house
of Assembly