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is now willing to doe any thing that his Two houses, shall reas-
onably Desire, for the settleing the Temporall Lawes, as alsoe
of the Lawes mentioned in an Act of Assembly made in the
yeare of our Lord 1676:
Secondly: his Lopp sayes that haveing much business as
well publique as private to dispatch before his goeing for
England whither he is [now bound] vpon vrgent Occasions)
is the reasone why he hath Caused this [Sessions] of Assembly
to bee at the Cyttie of St Maryes, Soe neare his [own dw]elling.
Lopp Assures this house That his goeing for England [is
not because of any] greater Inclinaccon to that place then to
his owne province of Maryland, But an absolute Necessity
putt vpon him for the Determineing Certayne Matters in Dif-
ence, between himselfe and the proprietary of Pensilvania
relateing to the bounds of this province, wch soe soon as
Ended, and that he cann be in a Condiccon to leave his heires
in an vndisturbed Right to this province hee is Resolved To
Returne hither againe where not Only his Interest but his
Inclinacon is.
4 ffourthly; His Lopp sayth that it will not be above a month
before he must depart this province vpon his Voyage for
England, and tht much business as well publique as private,
Lyes vpon him, Yet he is willing to spend a fortnight of that
time, with his Two houses for Settleing the weighty Affaires
of this of this his Province & desires the Lower house to be
Sollicitous about the same.
Lastly, his Lopp Tooke Notice that Mr Speaker had
Adjourned the Lower house Till This day with a Less number
of the members then had been vsuall at some Other times. Yet
since the same was done wth a good Intention to save this
Sessions of Assembly, his Lopp declares He is well Content,
Then Mr Speaker and the members repaire to their fhoulse.