Whereas a good and profitable Act formerly made and the
same is renewed and made this Sessions of Assembly Entituled
an Act for Regulating Ordinaries and liffiitting the number of
them within this Province yet notwithstanding the good pro-
vision thereby made against such Exactions Experience of late
hath found the same so farr from remedying the said abuse
that many of them have grown more excessive and outragious
in their prices, and to avoid the penalty of the said Law, do
refuse to deliver when desired unto their said Debtor undr
their hands the perticulars of the Liquors and accomodatn had
and received of them fearing the same should discover their
unjust charge against the said Act and oftentimes when the
said Debtors are overtaken in drinke, fraudulently obteyned
Bills under their hands and Seals for such their debts unjustly
charged, whereby their books are discharged, which otherwise
in suing the said Accompts the said books in Court would
discover their illegall Exactns by which cunning devices they
often avoid the Penalty of the said Law and much damnify the
said Debtors, to prevent which abuses for the future Be it
Enacted by the King and Queens most Excellent Majesties
by and with the Advice and consent of this present Genll
Assembly and the Authority of the same, that from and after
the Publication hereof no ordinary keeper whatsoever within
this Province for any debt due to him for Liquors or other
Ordinary Accommodations shall take any bill bond or other
p. 217
security other then the Account charged in his Book for the
same or recover Judgement in any Court of Record within
this Province for such debt till he hath before one Justice of
the Provinciall or County Court or one Aldrman of the Citty
of St Marys first taken his Corporall Oath that the Particulars
of the aforesaid account are truly Rated according to the
Rates and prices Sett and Assessed by the Justices impowered
thereto by the aforementioned Act of Assembly, and that the
same were sold and delivered by the order of the said debtor
to the sd Debtor or his appointment, and that bona fide with-
out fraud he bought the same liquors for quality as in his sd
Accot he hath named and sold the same without any mixture
or imbasement other then what was ordered by the said
debtor or with his consent, which oath so taken shall be certified
under the hand of such Justice of the Provinciall or County
Court or Aldermen of the Citty of St Marys before whom the
same Oath shall be taken and delivered to the said Debtor
before any other security be taken otherwise the said Bills
p. 218