546 Assembly Proceedings, May 10-June 9, 1692.
Lib. L. L.
No. 1.
Bonds and all othr securitys shall be voyd and a perpetuall
barr against the said Creditor other then the said book debt
legally Charged according to Act of Assembly as aforesaid,
for which said Certificate they shall pay to the Clerk the said
Justices shall Employ to write the same the sum of twelve
p. 219
pence sterling or twenty pounds of Tobacco to be allowed
them again in the said accompt sworn to against such debtor,
which said Debtor shall also Endorse under his hand such bill
bond or other Security given with these words, an Account
delivered before passing this bill according to Act of Assembly.
Provided this Act shall not hinder such Ordinary keeper from
selling for ready money within doors or wthout any Liquors
without any such Account given as is by this Act prescribed
but may do the same as before the making hereof anything
herein to the contrary notwithstandg And be it further Enacted
by the Authority Aforesd that no person or persons Inhabiting
within this Province not having lawfull Lycence, shall sell by
retayle any Cyder Quinch drink or other strong Liquors to be
drunk in his or their houses or about his or their Plantation
upon forfeiture of every time he shee or they shall be legally
convict thereof, the sum of one thousand pounds of Tobacco
one half thereof to Our Sovereign Lord and Lady the King
and Queen their heirs or Successors for the support of this
Govrment, the other half to the Informr or him or them that
shall sue for the same to be recovered in any Court of Record
within this Province by bill plaint Accon of debt or Informa-
tion wherein no Essoyne Protection or wager of Law to be
June 2d 1692 June the 2d 1692
Assentd to by the Councill Board The house of Assembly
Signed p Ordr have Assented
Jo. Llewellin Clk. Signed p Ordr
Hen: Denton Clk.
p. 220
An Act concerning Negro Slaves.
Be it Enacted by the King and Queens most Excellent
Majesties by and with the Advice and consent of this prsent
Generall Assembly and the Authority of the same, That all
negroes and other slaves already imported or hereafter to be
Imported into this Province, shall serve their naturall lives
and all the Children born already or hereafter to be born of
any Negroes or other Slaves withn this Province shall be
Slaves to all intents and purposes as their parents were for the
terme of their naturall lives And forasmuch as diverse free
born English and white women, sometimes by the Instigation
procurement or Conivance of their Masters Mistress or Dames,