any wise notwithstanding Provided also that no Ordinary
keeper within this Province during the Terme of his keeping
Ordinary shall be Ellected chosen or Serve as a Deputy or
Representative in the said Generall Assembly so to be here-
after called convened and apptd as aforesaid.
June 2d 1692 June the 2d 1692
Assented to by the Councill Board, The house of Assembly
Signed p Ordr have Assented
John LLewellin Clk. Signed p Order
Hen: Denton Clk.
An Act Prohibiting Forreign
Whereas diverse Masters and Merchants of ships and other
Vessells Trading into this Province do purchase great quanti-
ties of Tobacco and afterwards Imploy the same Tobacco in
buying Commodities Imported & either sell the said Com-
modities to the Inhabitants of this Province at Excessive Rates
or Export the said Commodities to the great Cost damage
and detriment of the Inhabitants of this Province Be it there-
fore Enacted by the King and Queens most Excellent Maj-
esties by & with the advice and consent of this present