Assembly Proceedings, May 10-June 9, 1692. 543
Sealed each part of them as well by you the said Sherriff as
by the said freemen by whom the said Election shall be made,
and that upon such Election you the Sherriff shall so soon as
conveniently may be recertify and Transmitt to the Chancellor
of this Province for the time being one part of the said
Severall and respective Indentures close Sealed up under
your hand and Seal and directed to the Govr of this Province,
and also to the chancellor and the other part of the said
Indenture you are to keep for your Justification. Witness
Lyonell Copley Esqr Captain Generall and Cheif Governr of
Lib. L. L.
No. 1.
this Province at St Marys &c And be it further Enacted by
the Authority aforesaid that two Cittizens to Serve in the said
Assembly of the Citty of St Marys to be nominated Elected &
Chosen and appointed by the Mayor Recorder Aldermen and
Common Councill as heretofore hath been usuall And it
farther Enacted by the Authority aforesaid four Delagates to
Ellected in the respective Countyes within this Province and
the two Cittizens of the Citty of St Maryes be and are hereby
bound and oblieged to attend at the time and Place of the
meeting of such Assemblys without any further writt or Sum-
mons to be to them sent under the penalty of such Fines as
shall be by the House of Assembly imposed upon them, unless
upon Sufficient Excuse to be admitted by the said house of
Assembly their absence to be dispenced withall any Law
Statute usuage or custome to the contrary notwithstanding
And be it also Enacted 'by the Authority aforesaid that any
sherriff that shall refuse or neglect to make return of the Dela-
gates so Elected by Indenture as aforesd before the day of
sitting of such Assembly or that shall make any undue or
Illegall returns of such Ellections shall for every such default
be fined one hundred pounds Sterling, the one half to their
Majesties for support of Government, the 6ther half to the
Informer or him or them that shall sue for the same, to be
recovered in any Court of Record in this Province wherein
no Essoyne protection or Wager of Law to be allowed Pro-
p. 213
vided nevertheless that this Act or any thing therein con-
teined, shall not extend to be construed to Exclude any County
or Countys Citty or Cittys Burrough or Burroghs hereafter
by their Majesties their Heirs or Successors to be Erected
and made within this Province from the benefitt and liberty of
such Ellections of Delegates and Representatives as is before
Expressed, but that such Writt as aforesaid shall upon calling
of every Genll Assembly of this Province for the future be
Isued to the Sherriff of every such County when the same
shall erected and made into a County as aforesaid, and to the
Mayor Recorder and Aldermen of every such Citty or Bour-
rough Commanding of such Sherriffe or Mayor Recorder and
p. 314