542 Assembly Proceedings, May 10-June 9, 1692.
Lib. L. L.
No. 1.
may be Enacted, And be it Enacted by the King and Queens
most Excellent Majesties by and with the advice and consent
of this prsent Generall Assembly and the Authority of the
same, that for the future when and as often as his Excellency
the Governor of this Province for the time being shall upon
any Accident and urgent Affair of this Province think fitt and
convenient to call and convene an Assembly, and to send
Writts for Ellection of Burgesses and Delagates to Serve in
such Assembly, the forme of the said Writt shall be as follow-
p. 211
eth, William and Mary by the Grace of God of England Scot-
land France and Ireland King and Queen Defenders of the
Faith &c. To the Sherriff of A: Greeting These are to
Authorize and require you Iffiediatly upon receipt hereof to
call together four or more Comissionrs of your County with
the Clerk, who are hereby required to sitt as a Court and
during their sitting by Vertue of your Office to make or Cause
to be made Publick Proclamation thereby giving notice to all
the freemen of your said County who have wthin your said
County a freehold of fifty Acres of Land or a Visable Estate
of forty pounds Sterling at the least requiring them to appear
at the next County Court to be holden for your County at a
certain day within a reasonable time after such Proclamation
made for Electing and choosing of Deputies & Delagates to
serve for your County in a Generall Assembly to be holden
at the Citty of St Marys the Day of at which time
of Proclamation aforesaid the said freemen soe required to
appear or the Major part of such of them as shall then appear,
shall and may and are hereby Authorized and required to
Elect and choose four severall and sufficient freemen of your
County, each of them having a free hold of fifty Acres of Land
or of Visible personall Estate of forty pounds sterling at the
least within your County and you shall give Authority to each
of them Severally and respectively by four severall and
respective Indentures under their hands and Seals to he Depu-
ties and Delagats for your County and to appear & serve as
p. 212
deputys and Delagates for your County at the said next
Generall Assembly to do and consent to those things which
then by the favour of God shall happen to be Ordeined by
the Advice and consent of the great Councill of this Province
concerning such occasions and Affairs as shall relate to the
Government State and defence of this Province, but wee will
not in any case that you or any other Sherriff in Our said
Province be Elected, which said Indentures shall be between
you the said Sherriff of the one part, and the said freemen
Electing on the other part, and shall bear date the same day
upon which the said Election shall be made, and shall mentn
the time and place of such Election and shall be sign'd and