Assembly Proceedings, May 10-June 9, 1692. 541
above Eight pounds in the hundred for Tobacco or other
goods or Comodities as aforesaid shall be utterly void. And
that all and every person and persons whatsoever which after
the time aforesaid shall upon any contract to be made take
accept and receive by waies or meanes of any Corrupt bargain,
Loan Exchange Chevissance Shift or Interest of any wares
Merchandizes or other thing or things whatsoever or by any
deceipt full waies or means or by any Covin Engine or de-
Lib. L. L.
No. J.
ceiptfull conveyance for the forbearance or giving day of pay-
ment for one whole year of and for their money Tobacco
goods or Comodities aforesd above the sum of money or
Quantity of Tobacco aforesaid for the forbearance aforesaid,
shall forfeit & loose for every such offence the Treble Value
of the Money Tobacco goods wares Merchandizes and other
things sold lent bargaind sold Exchanged and shifted as afore-
said, The one half of the said Fine and forfeiture to Our
Soveraign Lord and Lady the King and Queen their Heirs
and Successors for the support of this Govrment the other half
to him or them that shall sue for the same to be recovered in
any Court of Record of this Province by action of debt bill
plaint or Information, wherein no Essoyne Protection or wager
of Law to be allowed. June the 2d 1692
June 2d 1692 The house of Assembly have
Assented to by the Councll Board Assented. Signed p Ordr
John Llewellin Clk. Hen: Denton Clk.
An Act directing the manner of Ellect8
and summoning Delegates and Representatives
to serve in succeeding Assemblys
p. 209
Forasmuch as the cheifest and only Foundation and support
of any Kingdome State or Common Weale is the Providing
Enacting and Establishing good and wholesome Laws for the
well ruling and Government thereof and also upon any neces-
sary or imergent occasions to raise and leavy mony for the
defraying the charges of the said Government and defence
thereof neither of which according to the constitutions of this
Province can be made ordeined Establisht or raised, but by
and with the consent of the Freemen of this Province by their
severall Delagates and Representatives by them freely nomi-
nated chosen and Elected to Serve for their Severall Cittys
and Countys in a Generall Assembly, and forasmuch as the
Safest and best rule for this Province to follow in Electing
such Delagates and Representatives is the Precedents of the
proceedings in Parliament in Engld as near as the constitution
of this Province will pmitt, The Governor Councill and Dela-
gates of this present Genll Assembly, do humbly pray that it
p. 210