of The Lower house of Assembly
Att a Sessions Begunn
And Houlden at the Ridge in An Arrundell County, vpon
the second day of October In the Eighth Yeare of the
Dominion of the [Right] Honoble Charles absolute Lord &
proprietary of the province of Maryland & Avalon Lord
Barren of Baltemore &c Annoq Do
And there Continued vntill the Sixth day of Novem ffollow-
ing And then Adjourned Till the first Tuesday [in Aprill
next] And by his Lops proclamaccon Beareing Date the 15th
ffebruary In the yeare aforesd. Conveened to the Cytty of St
Maryes vpon the ffirst day of Aprill In the yeare of our Lord
1684. At wch day: (viz)
Tuesday Aprill the first 1 684
Mr Speaker and the members, then prsent, mett at the Court
house in the Cytty of St Maryes, And Adjournd Till To mor-
row Twelve of the Clock.
Wedensday Aprill the 2d 1684
The house Called, and all present as yesterday:
Then was read what was done Yesterday:
Then Mr Speaker and the rest of the members Adjourn'd
the house till to morrow Twelve of the Clocke.
Thursday Aprill the 3d 1684:
The house Called and all prsent as yesterday:
[Then w]as read what was done yesterday:
Then [Mr] Speaker and the rest of the members Adjourne
till To morrow Twelve of the Clocke :
Fryday Aprill the 4th 1684
Then Mr Speaker and the members of the Lower house
were by a messenger Conveened before his Lop in the vppr
house, and there his Lop: made a speech, to Mr Speaker and
the members of the Lower house, The purport of wch is as