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Whereas severall persons void of grace and the dread of
the Almighty have and do still continue for small proffitts
accrewing to themselves to Committ wilfull and Corrupt Per-
jury or cause or procure the same to be Committed either out
of a design for the reasons and purposses aforesaid or meerly
to revenge an Imaginary Injury done them to the great preju-
dice of divers of their Majesties loyall Subjects Inhabiting
within this Province And forasmuch as the Laws for this
Province heretofore made for the prevention of the like mis-
cheifs and Inconveniencies have upon a Mature and deliberate
consideration by this present Genll Assembly been found
altogether inconsistent with the Constitution of this Province
or the Laws of England in such Cases made and provided
Be it therefore Enacted by the King and Queens most Excel-
lent Majestys by and with the advice and Consent of this
present Generall Assembly and the Authority of the same,
That if any person or persons whatsoever from and after the
publication hereof, shall unlawfully or Corruptly procure any
witness or witnesses by letters rewards promisses or by any
other sinister unlawfull Labour or means whatsoever to Com-
mitt any wilfull and Corrupt perjury in any matter or Cause
whatsoever now depending or which hereafter shall depend
in suit and variance by any writt Action bill Complaint or
Information in any wise touching or concerning any Lands
Tenemts or hereditaments or any goods Chatties debts or dam-
ages in any of the Courts of Record within this Province, or that
shall unlawfully & Corruptly procure or subborne any witness
or wittnesses from and after the publication aforesaid be sworn
to testify in perpetuam rei memoriam, That then every such
offender or offenders shall for his or their said offence being
p. 57
thereof Lawfully Convicted or attainted loose & forfeit the
sum of forty pounds sterl And if it happen any such offender
or offenders so being Convicted or attainted as aforesaid shall
not have goods Chatties Lands or Tenements to the Value of
forty pounds as aforesaid, Then every such person or persons
so being Convicted or Attainted as aforesaid shall for his or
their said offence Suffer Imprisonmt for and during the space
of one whole year without baile or main prize and stand upon
the Pillory one whole hour at the Pillory next adjoyning the
place where he she or they shall be Convicted as aforesaid.
And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That
no person or persons being Convict or attaint as aforesaid
shall be from thence forth received as a Witness to be deposed