pounds of Tobacco, to be paid or secured to be paid by the
Master Mistress or Dame to whom such Servant shall of right
belong or apperteyne. And the said Servant to reimburse the
said Master Mistress Dame 6r owner by servitude or other-
wise, to the full Satisfaction and Content of the said Master
Mistress Dame or owner But if the runaway so taken up and
delivered by the Magistrate as aforesaid be a free man, then
such Runaway to be Imprisoned till such time as he hath
made satisfaction of the said sum of four hundred pounds of
Tobacco, or shall give good security for the same or shall
Lib. L. L.
No. 1.
make satisfaction by servitude or otherwise. Provided that
any Servant that runs away out of Somersett County into
Accomack such person that take him up, shall have but two
hundred pounds of Tobacco and no more And whereas some
Masters Mistresses and Overseers void of humane pitty &
Christian Comisseration have barbarously dismembred and
Cauterized their Slaves not only to the Scandall of Christianity,
but by such Cruelties keep them from Embracing the same
Be it therefore Enacted by the Authority aforesaid by and
with the advice and Consent aforesaid That if any Master
Mistress or overseer with the privity consent or procurement
of such Master or Mistress as aforesaid, shall after this Act
dismember or Cauterize any such Slave, it shall be lawfull for
the Justices of the County Court upon proof thereof to manu-
mitt and set free such slave to all intents and purposses what-
soever. And in case any Master Mistress or overseer with
the knowledge and consent of such Master or Mistress as
afore mentioned shall deny suffict meat drink Lodging and
Cloathing or shall unreasonably burthen them beyond their
strength with labour or deny them necessary rest and sleep,
be it to any English Servant or Slave, It shall be lawfull in
such Cases upon due proof thereof to the Justices of the
County Court for the first & second Offence, to Fine the said
Master Mistress or overseer as to them shall seem meet, and
p. 54