Assembly Proceedings, May 10-June 9, 1692. 459
and sworn in any Court of Record within this Province untill
such time as the Judgement given against the said person or
persons be reversed by attaint or otherwise, and that upon
every such reversall the pties grieved to recover his her or
their damages against all and every such person or persons as
did procure the said Judgement so reversed to be given
against them or any of them by Action or Actions upon his
her or their Case or Cases according to the Comon Course of
the Laws of this Province And be it further Enacted by the
Authority aforesaid, That if any Person or Persons after the
publication hereof, either by subbornation unlawfull procure-
ment Sinister perswasion or means of any other or by their
own Act Consent or Agreement wilfully and Corruptly Comitt
any manner of wilfull Perjury by their deposicon in any Court
Lib. L. L.
No. 1.
of Record in this Province as aforesaid, or being Examined in
perpetuam rei memoria That .then every person and persons
so offending and being thereof duly Convicted or attainted by
the Laws of this Province shall for his or their said offence
loose and forfeit twenty pound sterl and suffer Imprisonment
the space of six months without baile and main prize And
the Oath of such person or persons so offending from thence
forth not to be received within any Count of Record within
this Province untill such time as the Judgement given against
the said person or persons shall be revers'd by attaint or
otherwise as aforesaid. And that upon every such reversall
the partys grieved to recover their damages as aforesaid.
And if it happens that the said Offender or Offenders so
offending shall not have Goods and Chatties to the Value of
twenty pounds That then he she or they be sett on the Pillory
next adjoyning to the place where he she or they shall be
Convict as aforesd and to have both Ears nailed and be from
thenceforth to be discredited and disabled for ever to be sworn
in any the Courts of Record aforesaid untill such time the said
Judgement be reversed, upon which he she or they shall
recover his her or their damages in manner and form as is
before menconed. The one Moiety of all the said Fynes and
forfeiture to be Our Soveraign Lord and Lady the King and
p. 58
Queen for the Support of Govrmt and the other Moiety to such
person or persons as shall be grieved hindred or molested by
reason of any the offence or offences before menconed that
will sue for the same by Action of debt bill plaint or Informa-
tion or otherwise in any Court of Record within this Province
wherein no Essoyn protection or Wager of Law shall be
allowed, And be it further Enacted by the Authority afore-
said, that if any person or persons upon whom any Process out
of any the Courts of Record within this Province shall be
served to Testify or depose concerning any Cause or Matter
p. 59