434 Assembly Proceedings, May 10-June 9, 1692.
Lib. L. L.
No. 1.
they are within like reason, soe they are within like Law with
infant Executrs
6ly That every female Orphan shall be accounted of full
age to receive her Estate at the age of sixteen years or day of
Marriage which shall first happen
7thy That all negroes and other slaves after the Trans-
mitting of the Estate to the County Court as aforesaid shall
be appraised to the Guardians or Trustees and be preserved
by them and be Imployed to the said Guardians or Trustees
use and benefitt, and the like number of slaves and of the like
ability of body be returned to the said Orphans out of their
encrease if any be at their full age by this Law limitted, And
if any of the said slaves be grown aged or otherwise Impotent
or be lamed, and that the encrease will not make the originall
stock good as to the number and ability of body, that then
they shall be again appraised by the said County courts and
the Guardians or Trustees, shall pay to the said Orphans so
much money or Tobacco as the County Court shall judge the
Orphans stock of negroes then to be of less Value then they
were of, at the time of their first appraismt and the delivery of
the said Slaves to the said Guardian or Trustees. But in case
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no Guardian or other person will upon these Terms accept of
these slaves Then it shall be lawfull for the said severall and
respective County Courts to putt the said Slaves out upon
any other Terms to any other person, so that the said Originall
stock of slaves be not sold nor any of their encrease, but in
the best manner may be preserved for the Orphans till they
come to their severall ages by this Act limitted and appointed,
to the intent they may have their first stock made good to
them in number value & ability of body if it may be.
8thly That all that are Servants for years be likewise re-
turned in kind to the Orphans at their full ages (that is to say)
the same number of the same age and sex, and the like
number of years to serve and of the same Ability of body as
near as can be guessed as the Servts were when received by
the Guardian or Trustee
Whereas every Administrator in his Inventory incerteth
what Debts are sperate & what are desperate & upon Accot
is allowed what debts are desperate, the Judge for the Probate
of Wills shall transmitt those desperate debts wth the division
of the overplus of the estate unto the severall & respective
Justices of the county Courts where the Estate shall lye, to the
end the said Justices may enquire whether the said Adminis-
trators have by fraud or otherwise neglected to recover the
same, or have received and never accompted for the same,
and shall with the residue of the said Estate committ the said
desperate Debts to the care of the Guardian or other Trustee