Assembly Proceedings, May 10-June 9, 1692. 433
by the County Court, but that the said Orphan shall be main-
tained and Educated by the Interest of their Estate and
encrease of their Stocks so far forth as the said interest and
encrease will extend. But if the Estate be so small that it will
not extend to a free Education, such Orphans shall be bound
prentices to some handycraft Trade or other person at the
discretion of the County Courts untill they arrive to the
age of one and twenty years except some kinsman or Rela-
tion or some other charitable Person will mainteyn them,
Lib. L. L.
No. 1.
on the Interest of the finall Estate they have without any
diminution of the principall which shall always be delivered to
the Orphans at the years hereafter in this Act limitted and
appointed Provided alwayes that no Orphan shall be put
into the hands of any person of different Judgement in Re-
ligion to that of the deceased parents of the said Orphans.
3dly That all cattle horses and sheep shall be returned in
kind by the Guardians or other persons intrusted with the
Orphans Estate (That is to say) so many Cattle horses and
sheep as they received of the same age as the Cattle horses
and sheep were of at the time they were delivred to the Guar-
dians or Trustees of such Orphans.
4thly That all money Plate Rings and Jewells be preserved
and not used by the Guardian or Trustees and delivered in
kind to the said Orphans when they come to age, And that
all household stuff and lumber be appraised in money and not
otherwise and the Value thereof paid by the Guardians unto
the Orphans as aforesaid, either in money sterl according to
the Appraisment or in Toba. at the then price currant. And
in case any difference shall arise what shall be the price currt
at the day of Payment in the Bond taken & limitted The
Judges of the County Court where the Orphans Estate doth
ly shall then determine what shall be the price Current
5ly That every male Orphan shall be at full age to receive
from his Guardian his Estate at the Age of one and twenty
years and not before, But in case any person by his last will
and Testament do appoint any Person to be his Executor or
p. 14
Executors that is full Seventeen years of age, that person so
appointed shall be of sufficient age to administer as Executor
or Executors, and if such Executor or Executors be under the
Age of seventeen years, the Administration shall then be
comitted to such other persons as the Judge for Probate of
Wills and granting Letters of Administration shall approve
durante minoritate, and to the sole profitt use and behoof of
the Instant Executor or Execrs and not otherwise, nor in any
other manner, And forasmuch as the right to Administration
of the Goods of persons intestate may fall upon persons under
the age of seaventeen years It is hereby declared that as
p. 15