by them Imployed, and shall yearly and every year call the
said Guardian or Trustee to accompt for the same and duly
inspect what of the said debts they have received or might
have received, And if the said Guardian or Trustee faile to
give his Accompt yearly or by fraud or Covyn neglect or for-
bear to recover the same, the said Guardian or Trustees shall
stand charged therewith and be accountable for every such
Debt by them received and not accounted for or neglected or
forborne to be recovered.
That all Justices of the County Courts take able & sufficient
security for Orphans Estates, and enquire yearly of the
security, and if there be just cause that they require new and
better security to remove the Orphans Estate into better
hands, and further that the Justices of the County Courts shall
yearly in June Court enquire by a Jury of twelve men whether
the Orphans be kept mainteyned and educated according to
their Estates, and whether Apprentices are yearly taught their
Trades or rigorously used or turned to common labour at the
Ax and hoe instead of learning their Trades, and if they find
the Orphans not mainteined and educated according to their
Estates or the Apprentices neglected to be taught their Trades
upon pretence that the last year is enough to learn the Trade,
That they remove them to other Guardian or Masters respec-
tively And in case that the Jury shall find that any Appren-
tice is not taught his Trade but put to other labour as afore-
said, The said County Court shall condemn the said Master
of such an Apprentice to make the Apprentice such satisfac-
tion as in Justice his years labour at other work shall deserve
and five hundred pounds of Tobacco to be paid to the said
Lib. L. L.
No. 1.
p. 17
11th That the Justices of the County Courts cause the con-
ditions of the Bonds they take of Guardians or Trustees or
Orphan Estates to be exactly drawn according to the Act and
Recorded in the County Courts, and the Indenture for Ap-
prentices likewise That it may duly appear to the Judges
whethr Guardians Trustees or Masters do right between them
and to that end that they cause the said Clerk of their court
to present the Jury with a List of the Orphans and Apprentices
in their Counties every June Cort
12th That no more be allowed to a Guardian or Trustees
for Collecting debts due to Orphans then Ten p cr the usuall
allowance to Administratrs and Factors by the Merchants
13th And further in regard by the Judge or Comissary
Genll for proving of Wills and granting Administrations, there
is a saving to all Persons of their right of appeal from the
Sentence of the said Judge to the cheif Governr for the time
being of this Province. Be it enacted that all and every per-
p. 18