Lib. L. L.
No. i.
Imbezelled the estate of the Intestate then the Judge shall
assign the Bond entred into by the former Administrator and
his security unto the latter Administrator to be relieved against
them for such wasting and Imbezelling
That the Judge upon accot given by the first Administrator
as aforesaid shall make division of the clear Estate of the
Decd after debts paid and funerall expence defray'd, that is to
say shall allow to the Widd or Relict of the said Intestate if
any such be one full third part thereof, and the other two thirds
shall be equally devided between the children of the said decd
(if any such be) and if no such be then between the next of blood
of the Intestate, and after such division made, shall transmit!
the accompt thereof to the Justices of the severall and respec-
tive County Courts, who are by this Act appointed authoriz'd
and enjoyned to put the persons Lands Goods & Chattells of
the Orphans into the hands of such persons as they shall think
fitt takg bond wth two Sufficient sureties in the name of the
Orphans themselves for securing and delivery of the said
Estate to the sd Orphans or their Guardians, when thereunto
lawfully called according to the rules and directions hereafter
by this Act prescribed Established and ordained and not other-
wise, which Rules shall be rules not only for the Justices of
the County Courts to proceed by in taking the Accots of Guar-
dians or Trustees for Orphans, But also for the Judge of pro-
bate of Wills and granting Administrations in the taking