Message from the Gouernr and Councill brought by Capt
Addison and Mr Brookes which was read as followes Vizt
By the Honble Councill June 8th 1692.
1 This board puseing the Act for paymt of the publick charge
find an Article to his Exncy the Gouernor as a Gratuity wch this
board conceiue is very vnsuitable for his great charge trouble
& Vnd takeing in the peaceable and happy Setlemt of the
Gouernmt of this Province especially considering a larger gra-
tuity giuen to a pson of an Inferior capacity in the same Act
allowed, which this board desire may be Rectified.
2. This board finding that in Mr Lynes acct of publick
Expences of this honrble Councill, that each perticuler Article
is charged to their perticuler accts wch as this board is informed,
the said Lynes is Ordrd to referr himselfe to them for Sattis-
faccon, Notwithstanding by his Exencys Speciall Comand
they came downe to Attend him vpon his arrivall and vpon
Surrender [of the government, and since] called downe vpon
other [emergent occasions, which also this Board] desire may
be rectified].
3 This board Likewise [desire that some consideration may
be taken in] Relation to the last [year's levy, that your House
would] propose some [method of full satisfaction of all Bills]
of Excha [drawn by the naval officers that are in the country]
and others [that may come in protested on the same account
next] Shipping Wherein if due care [be not taken it will
destroy and render] the. Creditt: of the Countrey [insignificant
and poor, very injurious] to many good people [living in and
trading to the same].
[Signed per order
W. Taylard, Clk. Assistant]
Answere to the
By the house
This house are very well votes & will not receed
from them and as will be Considred at the Laying of
the Leavy. Signed p Ordr
Hen Denton Clk Assembly.
The same was sent by Mr Hamond, Doctr Brookes Mr Watt-
son Mr Greenfield & Mr Ennalls whoe returne and say they
deliuered the said Message.
Act for publick assessmt Signed by this house and sent to the
Councill board by Mr Ennalls & Mr Maddux for their signeing
& Assent
Mr Tench and Capt Courts come from the Councill board
wth the returne of the afd Law passed there, the which was