Endorsed the third reading, and sent back again to the Coun-
cill board by Mr Pinder Mr Wattson & Mr Sanders.
Att the Request of Mr Ridgeley, the Sherriff, of Ann
Arrundell County is discharged from the Censure of the Vote
of this house yesterday passed against him.
Mr Pinder, Mr Wattson and Mr Sanders returne from the
Councill board and say they deliuered their Message, and wth
all that his Exncy desired the house would walke up to see the
Lawes Signed.
Mr Speaker with the Rest of the Members of the house goe
vp to the Councill Chamber accordingly where were signed
by the Gouernr and passed vnder the great Seale of the Prov-
ince these following Lawes Vizt
[An Act for the Service of Almighty God, and] the Estab-
lishment of the [Protestant Religion within this Province].
[An Act concerning what shall be allowed to the] Grand
Juryes that are [summoned out of the body of this Province
to attend] Provinciall Courts.
[An Act Concerning those Servants that have Bastards]
An Act [providing what shall be good evidence to] proue
fforraigne Debts.
[An Act prohibiting all Masters of Ships or Vessels] or any
other pson from Transporting or conveying away any pson
or] psons out of this Province with[out Passes].
An Act [for the encouragement of the importation] of
Nigroes into this Pro[vince]
An [Act for securing the Rights of] Severall psons.
An Act [for limitation of certain actions for a]voideing
Suites att Law.
An Act [for quieting Possessions]
An Act [prohibiting Commrs Sheriffs] Clks and Deputy
Clks to plead as Attorney[s in their respective] Courts.
An Act prohibiting trade with the] Indians for any fflesh
dead or a Liue Except deere and Wild
An Act for the more speedy bringing to try all and sup-
pressing Criminalls and Limiting their punishm" for Certaine
Offences when prosecuted in the County Courts.
An Act for Appeales and Regulateing writts of Error.
An Act concerning Negroes and Slaues
An Act for the Restraining the Unreasonable Encrease of
horses in this Province.
An Act for Regulateing Ordinaryes & lymitting the Num-
ber of them within this Province.
An Act declareing what shall be Done by the Sherriff Ex
An Act concerning the hight of ffences.