refunded to his Exncy in part of pay of what the Countrey is
found indebted to his Exncy as likewise the Ballance of the
Bills Left in Capt Blakistons hands.
Mr Lynes Accts putt in and Referred to the Comittee
appointed to Lay the Leavye in October Next.
Voted that a petition be drawne to his Majtie & Signed by
the Speaker that his Majtie will be pleased to Ordr that the
Gouernr here be refunded all such Moneys as he disburses
for the Vse of the Countrey, out of the Twenty fiue Shipps
which went out of this Province in the yeare 1690: without
Cleareing, the which was accordingly done as followes Vizt
To the Kings Most Excellent Majty
The Humble petition of your Majties faythfull Loyall and
obedient Subjects the Representatiue body of this yr Majties
Province of Maryland now Assembled.
That yor Majte was pleased in yr gracious Lettr in the yeare
1690 to the then prsent Governmt of this Province, wch was the
Convencon of the ffreemen of the same, freely & indifferently
chosen out of each County; to Comand them to pmitt the Ld
Baltemore to receiue his Revenues here Ariseing; onely
reserveing what had beene usuall for support of the Gouermt
In Obedience therevnto they haue yearely sent for England
the I2d p hhd given for that End and purpose, of all such
Shipps that Cleare in this Province, and haue defrayed all
Publick charge of Gouermt by Tobacco Equally Leavyed vpon
the Inhabitants thereof.
Majty before the Arrivall of yr had disposed of
by the said Imposicon Gouernmt By which
of a great part of this & Settlemt of the
Matter there is noe Province in the yeare 1690 with
the said Imposicon which he
The premises Petitionrs and Sacred Majty that
the discouered may be Majties Gouernr in Consid-
eracon of Support of the Gouernmt before
Obedient Subjects as in duty
for yr Long and prossperous
The house Adjournes till Twelve of the Clock.
The house againe Mett and were prsent as before.
Message sent to the Governr & Councill by Capt Whittington
& Doctr Brookes to know whether that Board will be pleased,
to pass and signe those Lawes they haue before them or
whether they haue any thing more to Offer to this house.
They returne & say that an Answere thereto will imediately
be giuen.