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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 360   View pdf image (33K)
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360 Assembly Proceedings, May 10-June 9, 1692.


doe finde that Coll: St Leger Codd whoe was Elected for the
said Covnty ought not to Sitt as a member of the Lower
house till he hath Cleared himself of an Accusation proved
against him before a Convention held at St Maryes the 11th
day of Aprill 1690 and hath since sent a Letter directed to
Coll Henry Covrsey endeavouring to divert their Majties Sub-
jects from their Allegeance.
Signed p Ord Peter Dent Clk of the Comittee

An order of Convention as Likewise a Letter Concerning
rebellious practices acted by Coll Codd read in the house.
Mr Wynne goes along wth Majr Caruell to the Councill to
take the Oathes.
The House adjournes till to morrow Nine of the Clock.

ffryday May 13th 1692.

The House againe mett & ordered to be Called ouer and
were absent these following members, (vizt)
Majr Mr Harris, Mr Hamond, Mr Smith, Mr Ed
Docf Brookes, Mr Pinder, Mr the house except Mr
as his Crimes laid to his Charge
of Some of their proceedings
tions & Priviledges &ca haueing Countyes &
Citty of SJ Maryes, the County of Calvert, the
Charles County of Baltemore, the County of Talbott the
County Sumersett & the County of Dorchester doe
finde Elections Citty & the Severall Countyes
aforesaid to be due and the fitt to sitt in the
house of Assembly except those persons that haue
been already offered to the Consideracon of the house.
Signed p Ordr Peter Dent Clk of the Comittee

The Comittee makeing noe Returne in the afd List of
Caecill County Delegates for answer to the reason asked
them, doe say that information was giuen them of severall
Misdemeanours & Crimes Laid against them, whereof the
house thought fitt they should cleare themselves & therevpon
were dismissed the house till the Matter were enquired into
and debated by this house.
The Comittee for Inspecting the Laws ordered to goe out
vpon their Charge.
Thomas Brookes Esqr sent from the Gouernor & Councill
with a Message to this house which was read as follows

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 360   View pdf image (33K)
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