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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 361   View pdf image (33K)
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Assembly Proceedings, May 10-June 9, 1692. 361

By his Excellency the Gouernor & Councill in Assembly.
The Severall Messages this day recd from the house by mr
Greenfield, and mr Good, the second by mr Dent, Mr Smith,
Majr Tripp, Mr Whitington and the Last by mr Tasker, and mr
Hawkins haue passed the mature & deliberate Consideracon
of this Board, and in Answere therevnto they Returne severally
& in Order, as ffollows Vizt
That this Board is very desirous to Concurr with the
house in all things reasonable and safe for them to doe,
especially should be very glad to giue that Satisfaction both
to the house & the persons themselves principally Concerned,
whoe for tenderness of Conscience cannot complye with the
Lawe In takeing the Oathes in such formality as is required,
but after all their endeavours & strict scrutines there into,
cannot finde out an Expedient for that purpose, without open
Violation of the Lawes of England, which is not Consistant
nor in any wise to be admitted off according to our prsent
Constitution, alsoe wholely repugnant to the very express
words of his Exncies Comission, and his directions in his Speech
att the opening of this Assembly now recomended to the
Consideracon of the house for their further and better Satis-
2. This Board is ready and Willing to [join] wth some others
of the house to inspect [the Body of the Laws as desired] but
Concievs it altogether necessary [in the first place to consider
matters] of greater Import, [weight and moment for the quiet
peace and settlement] of this Province, and [necessarily lead-
ing to the making of wholesome] Laws for the good Gou[ern-
ment thereof, such as recognizing the undoubted] Right and
Soueraignty [of their Majestys in and to this Province; this]
present Meeting a Legal [and duly qualified Assembly to
enact] and make such Laws vnder [such an Authority; and
then an Act of] Indemnity & some mea[sures for the Con-
firmation and settling of all] Matters Judiciall & otherwise
[since the late Revolution as shall by this] Assembly be
thought [fit to be presented to his Excely, and by] him to their
Majtes for their [Approbation and assent.]
These things and some oth[ers recommended by his Excly
in his speech] to the Consideracon of this Assem [bly premised
and Considered: This Board] will as before readily joyne in
Comittee with the [house] in the [matter] desired or what
else may reasonably be offered to them.
3: This Board shall and will alsoe be [ready] to receiue a
Message or conferr with the house ab[out the] Emergent
affairs of the Province whensoeuer the same shall [be] thought
convenient [or] desired by the house.
Signed by Ordr John LLewellin Clk.


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 361   View pdf image (33K)
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