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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 359   View pdf image (33K)
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Assembly Proceedings, May 10-June 9, 1692. 359

They have thought fitt to intimate this vnto your Honors
desireing that you would be pleased to Signifye vnto this
house which will be the most convenient times to waite vpon
your Honors about the business of the Countrey now in hand
that matters may be the easier comunicated.
Signed p Ordr
Hen Denton Clk Assembly

The aboue Message was sent by Mr Tasker and mr Haw-
kins who retorne & say they delivered the same.
Ordered that a Message of thankes, to the Gouernors
Speech, from this house, be drawne vp, Which was as ffollows,

By the House of Assembly May 12th 1692.
This house haueing read his Excellencys Speech att
the opening the same soe Suitable & proper to
that they doe, Nemine con to urned to his Excellency.

The aboue Message read was accordingly done by
Mr Mr Jones, Coll Codd Mr Ma dgeley.
Major Caruell Enters
The aforenamed Gentlemen Mr Win ne giues the
house an account nor the which his Excellency
thankes to this house for the same & withall desired that the
the Province now in agitation might be Expedited.
Coll Codd & Mr Ennalls sent to Call in the Comittee
appointed for Inspecting the Laws.
The paper of Grievances ordered to be read ouer again
finde Convenient that the Article about Tipling houses be
Ordered by the house that his Excellency be Moved to
Cause a Rule of Court to be made in the Provinciall Court,
that all Indictmts brought in the Provinciall Court which are or
may be cognoscible in the County Courts shall be sent back
to the County Courts from whence such Indictmts are brought
The Comittee of Elections sent for, repaire to the house,
and bring in these Returnes ffollowing (Vizt) May 12th 1692
The Comittee to Inspect the Elections & Priviledges &ca
haueing inspected into the Election of Mr John Hewett, whoe
was Elected for the County of Sumersett being a man in
sacred Orders is thought not fitt to sitt as a member of the
Lower house.
Signed by Ordr Peter Dent Clk of the Comittee

May 12th 1692.
The Comittee to Inspect the Elections & Priviledges &c:
haueing made Inspection into the Election for Caecill County


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 359   View pdf image (33K)
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