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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 358   View pdf image (33K)
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358 Assembly Proceedings, May 10-June 9, 1692.


Matters, ordered to be read in the house which was as ffollowes
May 11th 1692.
The Comittee to Inspect the Elections & priviledges haue-
ing duely Examined the Election for Calvert County doe finde
the same to be a due Election
Signed p order Peter Dent Clk of the Comittee

Debated shall be Confirmed or noe.
Moued by put to a Vote which was
Green Bigger in to the house,
be put to a Vote, whether the might be acceptable
to this whole house that a Message might con-
cerning the Same.
Mr to withdraw, wch was granted him.
The likewise, that for Elections and priv arge.
cerning the Petition of some Membrs of Draw
vp and read & ordered to be sent, as ffollow (Vizt)

By the house of Assembly May 12th 1692.
This [house] has been M[oved] by scverall Members whose
consciences will not permitt them to complye [with the] forme
of the Oath of Allegeance and Abhorre[nce] as it is taken by
[their] Majties other Subjects, and desire to serve their Majties
and their Countyes in the Trust reposed in them, This house
are very desirous to haue the Assistance of all the members
of the same in those weighty affaires now before them and
alsoe of the aforesd members, if any Expedient can be found
out, in which Case, the vsuall Declaration made by persons
soe principled will be satisfactory to the house of their Loyalty
to their Majties and ffaithfullness to their Covntry and the
Advice of their Majtes honrble Covncill herein is by this house
desired in the prmises.
Signed pr ordr Hen. Denton Clk Assembly.

Mr Bigger enters the house.
The aforesaid Message againe read & sent by Coll Codd
& Mr Greenfield.
They returne againe and say they delivered the aboue
Ordered a Message to be drawne to present to the Gouer-
nor & Councill to know the Convenientest time to waite vpon
their Honors which was accordingly drawne and read, as fol-
lows, (vizt)

By the house of Assembly May 12th 1692.
This house has ordered and Confined themselves to Cer-
taine howres of Meeting (vizt) To meet att nine of the Clock
in the Morning and soe to Continue till four in the afternoon.

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 358   View pdf image (33K)
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