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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 357   View pdf image (33K)
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Assembly Proceedings, May 10-June 9, 1692. 357

every Visitt to Charge Tenn pounds of Tobacco for euery
Mile that he shall Ride to Visitt his Patients as often as
9thly Itt is reported to vs as a great being Indebted
to the Sherriff and haueing wherewithall to dis the
Creditors will not re may that henceforth ev
the Twentyeth day of good tobacco, and the
Creditor shall refuse and Weighed, and if
secured for acco{ of the Credi ereof for one yeare next
ensu any action to be excluded
10thly Wee further pray that it the vsuall Costomes
in old England the to Ride the Circuit and that all
Criminalls may be try their proper County according
to the vsuall Customes in old England.

By the House of Assembly May 11th 1692.
Voted and ordered by the house that every Ordinary Keeper
giue a perticular Accot of every Burgesses Expences and
deliuer vp the same every Saturday Night and that an order
to the same purpose be given vnder the hand of the Clarke of
this house to euery Ordinary keeper hereabouts, to the end
the same may be duely observed vpon pennalty of that Ordi-
nary keepers forfeiting that weekes Accot soe neglected to be
observed as afd. dureing this Sessions.
The House adjournes till to Morrow Morning Nine of the

Thursday May 12th 1692.

The House againe Mett & ordered to be called ouer, and
these following Members were absent, (Vizt) Majr Caruell, Mr
John Biggers, Majr Smallwood Capt Hoskins, Mr ffinney Mr
Edmondson, Mr Everenden Mr Goddin, Mr Dare, Mr Warner.
Mr ffinney enters the house.
Coll Codd moues that some time of the day might be
appointed when all the house may be present to heare debates.
Mr Dare Enters the house.
Moued by a member of this house that it may be put to a
Vote whether or noe a full house shall not Continue together
to heare Debates, dureing some certaine space of time every
day, (vizt from Nine of the Clock in the Morning till two in
the afternoone.
Majr Smallwood Enters the House.
The aboue Motion was put to the Vote and carryed in the
The Returne, of the Writt of Election for Calvert County
made by the Comittee of Elections appointed to Inspect such


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 357   View pdf image (33K)
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