P. R. O.
Territories and Countries; and being thereby influenced to
express our utmost zeal and endeavours for your Majestyes
service, the Protestant Religion, here of late notoriously
opposed, & your Majestyes soveraigne right and dominion, to
this your Majestyes Province of Maryland, invaded and
undermined, by our late Popish Governors their Agents and
Wee your Majestyes most dutyful & loyal Subjects of this
Province, being assembled, as the representative Body of the
same, doe humbly pray your Majestyes gracious consideration,
of the great grievances & oppressions wee have long laien
under, lately represented to your Majesty, and directed to
your Majestyes principal Secretaryes of State, in a certain
declaration from the Comanders, Officers & Gentlemen lately
in Armes for your Majestyes service and the defence of the
Protestant religion.
And that your Majesty would be graciously pleased in such
wayes and methods as to your princely wisdom shall seeme
meet, to appoint such a deliverance to your suffering people,
whereby for the future our religion, rights and Lyberties may
be secured, under a Protestant Government by your Majestyes
gracious direction especially to be appointed.
We will wayte with all becomeing duty and loyalty your
Majestyes pleasure herein; And will in the mean time, to the
hazard of our lives and fortunes persevere, and continue to
vindicate and defend your Majestyes right and soveraigne
dominion over this Province, the Protestant religion, and the
civil rights & liberties of your Majestyes Subjects here, against
all manner of attempts and opposition whatsoever. Hereby
unanimously declareing, that, as we have a full sense of the
blessing of Heaven upon your Majestyes generous under-
takeings, soe will endeavour to express our due gratitude for
the same, as becomes professors of the best of religions, and
Subjects to the best of Princes.
Maryland printed by order of the Assembly at the Citty of
St Maryes August 25th 1689.
This is a true Copy of the Originall
Attested p
John Llewellin. Clk. of Ass:
26th August 1689.
Address of the Representatives to the King
Recd from my Lord Shrewsbury 7th Feb: 89.
Copy recd: 31. December.