Copy of the Answer sent to the Burgesses from the Indians.
August ye 23d 89.
These may acquaints you what we whose names are under-
written have according to request bin and treated with the
Indians, and doe find 'em to be very civill and kind, and desire
nothing but peace and quietness but that in part thorough the
instigation of bad people, and chiefly doe instance Andrew
Gray, that the English in one moone would cutt them all off,
likewise concerning an Indian woman, which they say was
kill'd by Cornelius Mulraine's wife, which they have expected
some satisfactory answer, concerning which as yett, they have
not received, also that the said Cornelius since their departure
offered great abuse in robbing them of their cannows, corn,
matts, bowles & basketts and they say their chests have been
broke open, and since they have bin gone out, the said Grey
hath bin with'em, and threatened them if they would not come
home, he would gett a party of men and fetch'em p force ;
Likewise they say, they have ten Indians which went between
Oxford Towne and Col. Lewes', and that their time of return
is relapsed and are not satisfied what is become of 'ern, Wereof
all these things being computed together hath seized them
with feare, 'butt that they were very joyfull at our comeing and
were takeing up their goods to return to their habitations.
John Stanley Wm Dickenson
John Hawkins Wm Stevens
Clement Sales Wm Bexley.
This is the Copy of the Answer sent to the
Burgesses from the Indians.
Of the representatives of their Majestyes Protestant Subjects,
in the Province of Mary-Land assembled.
To the Kings most Excellent Majesty
Whereas we are with all humility fully assured that the
benefit of your Majestyes glorious undertakings and blessed
success, for the Protestant religion, and civil rights and liber-
tyes of your Subjects, was graciously intended to be extensive,
as well to this remote part, as to all others of your Majestyes
P. R. O.