[Letter to the adjacent Colonies.]
By the Assembly in Maryland 28. Aug: 1689.
Whereas of late divers horrid conspiracies contrivances and
combinations have been had, made used, practised and man-
aged by and betweene several persons of principal note, and
others in Authority within this Government, popishy and
evilly affected, and the severall nations of northern and other
Indians in these parts of America, tending to and designeing
the rum, destruction and utter extirpation of their Majesties
loyal Protestant Subjects here, as we have good cause to sus-
pect & believe not only from the severall evidences, depo-
sitions, examinations, inquisitions and other circumstances
before us thereunto relateing, but also from the inward guilt
and conviction of the principall Agents and Managers thereof,
who (to evade the punishment justly due to them for the same,
& not able to abide the test) have privately, unknown, and in
disguise betaken themselves for refuge to some other more
remote parts within our neighbouring Collonies and planta-
tions (as we have credibly read: been informed and can
testifie) and doe still abscond from the hands of justice, in the
most hidden and secreete places, seeking and watching for all
opportunities, and advantages by such undue, unchristian and
inhumane practises and combinations as aforesaid to effect and
bring to pass such their wicked intents and designes as afore-
said, to the great horror & consternation of their Majesties
said Protestant Subjects here, as their feare and jealousies
ariseing from such proceedings have justly insinuated and
inculcated into them. And whereas there can be found noe
meanes (as we know of) more effectual for the true discovery
and bringing to condign punishment such grievous & heinous
crimes, or more conduceing to their Majesties Service and
interest, and the good & welfare of their Subjects in generall,
then a friendly and amicable mutuall Correspondency betweene
their severall Governments (of such vicinity especially and
under such circumstances as we are) Wee therefore the Dele-
gates & representative Body of this Province now assembled
and mett together in their Majesties names, and for their
Majesties service, having in the first place (according to our
bounden duty asserted & proclaimed their Sacred Majesties
King William & Queen Mary's lawfull and undoubted right
and title to this Province as well as to other their Dominions
- and Territoryes, as (we doubt not) you have also done; Doe
in the next place as Friends, Neighbours and fellow Subjects
sollicit and court your friendly and neighbourly Correspond-
ency upon all occasions, by imparting and comunicating to us
P. R. O.