An Act for reviueing the Temporary Lawes of this Prouince
Be it enacted by the right Honourable the Lord Propry by &
with the Advice & consent of the vpper & lower houses of this
prsent genrll Assembly & the Authority of the same tht one
Act made at a genrll Assembly held at St Johns the seventeenth
day of Aprill 1661 entituled an Act concerning the hight of
fences, one other Act made the same Assembly entituled an Act
for conveyance of all Letters concerning the State & publick
affaires, one other Act made at a genrll assembly held at St
Lib. W. H.
Maries the fifteenth day of Septembr 1663 & there continued
vntill the third day of October following and from thence
adjorned vntill the second tuesday in Septembr 1664. Enti-
tuled An Act prohibiting arrests vpon Saboath dayes & dayes
of genrall Muster & traineing, one other Act made the same
Assembly entituled an Act for Amerciamts in the provincll &
County Courts, one other Act made at a genrll Assembly held
at St Maries the tenth day of Apll 1666 Entituled An Act
prohibiting forreigne Ingrossers one other Act made at an
Assembly begunn & held at St Maries the thirteenth day
of Aprill 1669 Entituled An Act for limitiation of certaine
Accons for Avoyding Suites at Law, one other Act made the
same Assembly entituled An Act for provideing sufficient
freight & carriage for the proper goods & commodities of his
Lordspp the Lord Propry of this province & the governor of
this province for the time being, one other Act made the
same Assembly Entituled an Act what shall be good Evidence
to proue forreigne debts an other Act made at a genrll
Assembly held at St Maries the Seven & twentieth day of
March 1671. Entituled An Act Against divulgers of false news
one other Act made the same Assembly Entituled an Act
agt hogstealers one other Act made the same Assembly
entituled An Act for the provideing a standard with English
waights & measures in the Severall & respectiue Counties
wthin this province one other Act made the same Assembly
Entituled An Act prohibiting the importacon of all horses
mares guildings or Colts into this province, one other act made
at a genrll Assembly held at St Maries the tenth of October
1671 Entituled an Act for the explanacon of one clause in an
Act prohibiting the Importacon of all Horses mares geldings
or colts into this province wth an addition & amendmt therein
one other Act made the same Assembly Entituled an Act for
markeing high wayes & makeing the heads of Riuers creeks
branches & Swamps passable for horse & foote, one Act
made the same Assembly Entituled an Act for stay of Execu-
cons after Apll Court, one Act made at a genrll Assembly
held at St Maries the thirteenth day of Apll 1671 Entituled
p. 296