212 Assembly Proceedings, Nov. 14-Dec. 8, 1688.
Lib. W, H.
an Act concerneing the Impanelling the grand inquest in the
severall Counties within this Province one Act made the same
Assembly Entituled for the Surveyr genrlls fees, wth addicon of
fees vpon resurveys & for levieing the same, one Act made the
same Assembly Entituled an Act for paymt of fees due from
Criminall persons, one Act made the same assembly Entituled
an Act concerneing those servts tht haue bastards one other Act
made the same Assembly Entituled an Act against burners of
fences, one other Act made the same Assembly Entituled An
Act prohibiting all masters of Shipps or vessells or any other
psons from transporting or conveying away any pson or psons
out of this province wthout passes one other Act made at a
genii Assembly held at St Maries the twelfth day of ffebry 1674.
Entituled An Act concerning what shall be allowed to grand
Juries tht are sumoned twice a Yeare out of the body of the
province to attend provincall Courts, one other Act made
at a genrll Assembly held at St Maries the fifteenth day of
p. 297
May 1676 Entituled An Act for secureing Merchants &
other tobaccoe after they haue recd it, one other Act made
the same Assembly Entituled an Act relateing to the seizure
of tobaccoe by the Sheriffe one other Act made the same
Assembly Entituled an act for the pubicacon of Marriages,
one other Act made the same Assembly Entituled an act
relateing to servants & slaues one other Act made the same
Assembly entituled an Act touching Coopers & gage of
Tobaccoe hhds, one other Act made the same Assembly
Entituled an Act for easemt of the inhabitants of this province
in Suites of Law for small debts one other act made the same
Assembly Entituled An Act for the Constables takeing the list
of taxables one other Act made the same Assembly Entituled
An Act against the Importacon of convicted psons into this
province one other Act made at the same Assembly Entituled
An Act for secureing of Credittors one other Act made at a
genrll assembly held at St Maries the twentieth day of October
1678 Entituled an Act for regulateing Ordinaries & Limitting
the Numbr of them wthin this province one other Act made
the same Assembly Entituled An Act for the better Aministra-
con of Justice in the County Courts of this province One other
Act made the same Assembly entituled An Act for keeping a
register of births Manages & burialls in each respectiue
county wthin this Province one other Act made the same
Assembly Entituled An Act for appeales & regulateing writts
of Errr one other Act made the same Assembly Entituled An
Act imposeing a penalty on all such who shall dispose of
tobaccoe seized or receiued by the Sheriffe or others, one
other Act made at an Assembly begun & held the Sixteenth
day of August 1681 Entituled an Act for the ordering &