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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 175   View pdf image (33K)
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Assembly Proceedings, Nov. 14-Dec. 8, 1688. 175

Upper house of Assembly 24 November 1688.
As to that part of the last Message by Mr Harris and Mr
Hawkins that Related to the Petition about Bulk Tobacco,
This house say that they have not any such Petition neither
has the Government any such Petition sent them out of Eng-
land or else where. If this house had the same or could tell
where to procure it, they should be free to send as desired.
Signed pr Order Tho: Grunwin Cl of Assembly.

He returns and says he has Delivered the same
Coll Tailler and Coll Pye go with this Message.

Upper house Assembly 24 November 1688.
As to the other part of the last Message by Mr Harris and
Mr Hawkins relating to the Debates of yesterday in the Grand
Committee this house earnestly Desire That so Generall a
Good as is thereby Designed may not dye by being Stifled for
want of Air to give it Life, This house do therefore desire the
Lower house Once more to Resolve with this house into a
Grand Committee in Order to a further Debate about the
Premisses; To the End that all Objections may Unanimously

Lib. W. H.

be Agreed Especially in a Matter of such undoubted Advan-
tage to the People of this Province
Signed pr Order Thomas Grunwin Cl of Assembly.

They return and say they have delivered it
Came from the Lower house Mr John Stone & Mr William
Dare with this Message

Lower house of Assembly 24 Novr 1688.
This house humbly pray the Honourable the Deputy Gov-
ernors will be pleased to give an Answer to their Remon-
strance of Agreivances as their honours have been pleased to
promise Because their Committee of Laws who are now ready
to go upon their Charge for want of such Answer cannot
regularly proceed
Signed pr Order William Dent Cl of the Lower house.

The honourable Major Sewall goes to the Lower house
with this Answer to the before going Message Vizt

Upper house of Assembly 24 November 1688.
This house do say in answer to the Message of the Lower
house of this Day by Mr Stone and Mr Dare relating to the
Remonstrance of Greivances, That this house have Applyed
themselves to the Deputy Governors in this his Lordships
Upper house of Assembly about the said Grievances, And for
answer their Honours the Deputy Governors do say that

p. 568

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 175   View pdf image (33K)
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