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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 174   View pdf image (33K)
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174 Assembly Proceedings, Nov. 14-Dec. 8, 1688.

Lib. W. H.

4thly. That Tradesmen be invited in and encouraged.
5thly. That it is necessary that bringing in Money be
6thly. That money be the Publick measure and standard
of Trade and Dealing and all Contracts and Bargains.
The Debate being Ended the Speaker and Lower house &c
Clerk depart to their own house.

p. 567

And this house Adjourns till to morrow Morning 8 a Clock

The 24 November 1688 The Upper house mett again

The honourable

William Joseph Esqr
Coll Thomas Tailler
Coll Henry Darnall

Major Nicholas Sewall
Coll Edward Pye
Clement Hill Esqr

Mr Harris & Mr Hawkins from the Lower house with this

Lower house of Assembly 24 November 1688.
This house have Considered not only several things proposed
to them by a Message from the Upper house relating to Bulk
Tobacco but also of Several Propositions made to the Grand
Committee yesterday in the Council Chamber In answer where-
unto they say first that as to that of Bulk Tobacco they find
by the Copy of the Letter sent to this house being from his
Majesties Most honourable privy Council to the Right Honble
the Lord Proprietary of this Province that there was some
Petition preferred to his Majesty by some Merchants Owners
Adventurers and Planters of Virginia & this Province praying
such a Prohibition as was Intimated to this house at the
Opening this present Sessions of Assembly, Therefore before
this house can proceed to make any positive answer to the
same or make any Resolve therein, They pray the Upper
house to send a Copy of the said Petition (if they have it or
can procure it) to this house that the reason for praying it may
Appear, And as to Severall other things proposed to the
Members of this house yesterday when Resolved into a Grand
Committee; They say that the same appears to them to be
matter of great Moment and worthy of further Consideration,
They therefore think it proper and Expedient not only to take
further Consideration thereof but to Advise with those whom
they Represent being of the like moment to them also Espe-
cially that Relating to Money.

Signed pr Order William Dent Cl of the Low house.

Mr Clement Hill goes to the Lower house with this Message.


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 174   View pdf image (33K)
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