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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 176   View pdf image (33K)
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176 Assembly Proceedings, Nov. 14-Dec. 8, 1688.

Lib. W. H.

whereas some of the members of the upper house are Con-
cerned in the said Remonstrance of Greivances; The Deputy
Governors do therefore desire to hear both Parties and in
Order thereunto this house is ready to resolve with the Lower
house into a Grand Committee whereby to Debate the said
matters in order to Rectify all abuses of that Nature for that
the Deputy Governors do assure the Lower house, That they
are ready to Suppress all such Matters as shall any way
appear to be Agreivance to the People.
Signed pr Order Tho. Grunwin Cl of Assembly.

Major Sewall returns & says he has delivered his Message
Coll Pye goes to the Lower house to know if they have any
further to Offer to this house to Night. He returns and says
the Lower house will send to this house in half an hour.
Dr. 'Brookes and Mr Round from the Lower house with
this Message

Lower house 24th October 1688.
In answer to the last Message by the Honourable Coll
Tailler & Coll Pye This house say that it was yesterday under-
stood by the Members of this house when in a Grand Com-
mittee that these severall Proposals then made were so
Dependant one upon the other that unless the whole was
Consented to all the rest would be ineffectuall to the End Pro-
posed, And therefore this house upon Serious Consideration
thereof finding some things therein of new Device to be of
Deep Consequence to the Good People of this Province which
according to the Custom of Parliaments in England have not
been usually assented to till Advise with their Countrys; They
did this Morning Signifie their desire of further time of Con-
sideration and that they may Comunicate with those they
here Represent, and therefore they say that as to the other
proposalls so farr as was yesterday Resolved on to witt that
for Encouragement of husbandry and the Methods thereon
Agreed, That for Sowing flax and hemp and the Methods

p. 569

thereon agreed, That for the Encouragement of Tradesmen
to come and Inhabit the Towns and the Methods thereon
Agreed, they conceive the same will tend to the great good
and benefit of this Province and therefore are willing and
ready to have further Conference with the honourable the
Upper house upon Monday next in Order to drawing up Bills
for the same purposes.
Signed pr Order Lower house William Dent Cl.

This house Adjourned till Monday Morning 8 a Clock.

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 176   View pdf image (33K)
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