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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 173   View pdf image (33K)
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Assembly Proceedings, Nov. 14-Dec. 8, 1688. 173

to the Same Which we humbly desire your honours to take
into your most Serious Consideration and that of the same we
may have Redress and relief
Signed pr Order William Dent Cl of the Lower house

Mr Clement Hill goes to the Lower house with this Mes-
sage Vizt

Upper house of Assembly 22 November 1688.
The answer of the Deputy Governors in the Upper house
of Assembly to the Deputys and Delegates of this present
General Assembly relating to their Remonstrance of Agriev-
ances this Day delivered by Coll Jowles Mr Lingan, Mr Harris,
Mr Brooke & Mr Hawkins say that they have perused their
said Remonstrance, and whereas the same do Consist of
Several heads and divers natures they cannot immediately so
fully inspect the same as the severall matters therein Contained
require, But say that due Consideration shall be had to every
particular therein Mentioned and what ever shall appear to be
Agrievance we the said Deputy Governors will take such care
as the same shall accordingly be duely rectified
Signed pr Order of &c

Mr Hill returns and says he has delivered his Message.
This house Adjourns till to Morrow Morning 8 a Clock.

The 23d Day of November 1688.
The Upper house met again.

Lib. W. H.

The honourable

William Joseph Esqr
Coll Henry Darnall
Major Nicholas Sewall I

Coll Edward Pye
Clement Hill Esqr

Mr John Stone from the Lower house and tells this house
that the Lower house are ready to Attend this house, and was
Answered this house will send them word when ready.

Major Sewall goes to the Lower house to tell them that this
house is ready when they please to come, He returns and says
he has delivered his Message and that they will waite upon
this house immediately.

The Speaker and the Lower house and their Clerk Enters
this house and the Debate Began, And therein it was Voted—

Ist That Husbandry be encouraged

2dly. That the Sowing of flax and hemp be encouraged

3dly. That the making of Linnen & Woollen be encour-


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 173   View pdf image (33K)
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