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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 172   View pdf image (33K)
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172 Assembly Proceedings, Nov. 14-Dec. 8, 1688.

Lib. W. H.

been Discouraged to the great Greivance of the Inhabitants
of which they humbly desire redress and Relief.
It being likewise very prejudicial to his Lordships Interest
and Income
4thly Whereas it is not only a great Agreivance to the
Present Inhabitants of this Province But also of fatall Conse-
quence to their Posterity, That Laws made & Assented unto
by his Lordship and the People of Province should be dis-
penced withall by any other Authority than by which they were
first made, which we humbly desire to Know if his Lordship
do intend to Annull that Clause of the Act about Bringing
Tobacco to Towns without an Act of Repeale
5th Whereas the Attorney General has often presumed
upon his own Authority as Attorney Generall to send out
precepts Directed to the Severall Sheriffs Commanding them
to bring the Bodys of Severall the Inhabitants of this Province
to the Provincial Courts to Answer such things as should be
Objected against them by which means severall of his Lord-
ships Good People have been taken into the Custody of the
severall Sheriffs and brought to the Provincial Court being
altogether Ignorant of what should be laid to their Charge
before they Come upon their Tryall Contrary to the funda-
mentall and known Laws and to the great Agrievance &
Unsupportable Charge and Damage of his Lordships Good
People of which We humbly desire to be relieved.
6thly Whereas it is a great Agreivance to the Inhabitants
of this Province that any persons not Lawfully Empowered
but only pretending a Power from some of his Lordships
Militia Officers in time of Peace should as often they have
done press and Violently take from severall of the said Inhab-
itants the most part if not all their Store of Meat and other
Provisions which should be for the Support and Relief of their
Respective families the remaining part of the Year to the
great Damage and oppression of the said Good People, of
which We humbly desire to be relieved.
7thly Whereas the Provincial Court being Adjourned to
the last Tuesday in January next which is the Dead time of
the year and the most perilous and incomodious time for the
people to give their Attendance We conceive that it is a great
Agrievance of which We humbly desire Redress.

p. 566

8thly. That it is a great Greivance to the People of this
Province for the Officers of Towns & Exact three pence
Sterling or three pounds Tobacco p. hhd for any Tobacco
whatsoever which is not Actually brought to the several
Towns accord: to the Letter of the further Additionall Act to
Act for Advancement of Trade and to the Supplementary Act

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 172   View pdf image (33K)
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