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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 171   View pdf image (33K)
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Assembly Proceedings, Nov. 14-Dec. 8, 1688. 171

night, they are willing to Adjourn. He returns and says the
Lower house shall have some thing ready for this house in half
an hour.
Coll Jowles, Mr Lingan & Mr Harris Mr Brooke & Mr Haw-
kins and bring this following writing relating to Grievances

To the honourable the Deputy Governors in the Upper
house of Assembly.
May it please your honours; We the Delegates and Depu-
ties of this present Generall Assembly do in the name of the
Inhabitants and freemen of this Province Complain of Severall
grievances and Burthens which we now feele and Lye under
and desire redress and relief Accordingly Vizt
Imprs Whereas by an Act of Assembly Entituled an Act
for raising and providing a Support for his Lordship the Lord
Proprietary of this Province during his Natural Life &c Made
at a Generall Assembly begun and held at the City of St
Maries in the Province of Maryland the 27th Day of March
1671 and by other Acts since made Confirming the same and
now in force It was thereby Provided that his said Lordship
his Receiver or Receivers Generall for the time being shall
receive good sound Merchantable Tobacco for his said Lord-
ships Rents and fines for Alienations of Lands reserved upon
the Severall and Respective Grants of Land in this province

Lib. W. H.

at the rate of Two pence per pound any thing in his said
Lordships Grants to the Contrary Notwithstanding Never-
theless his said Lordships Receivers and other Officers Ap-
pointed Contrary to the said Law have and do under Colour
of their said Offices not only refuse to receive Tobacco as by
the said Law is Provided, But Exact Money Sterling to the
great Agreivance and oppression of the Good People of this
Province of which we humbly desire Address and Relief.
2dly. Whereas the honourable the Secretary's of this
Province do charge the People of this Province with Several
fees which are not by Law due particularly in that for Record-
ing Proceedings which they do take and Extort by way of
Execution, the said fees being due and paid under another
Denomination of which We humbly desire redress and Reliefe.
3dly Whereas it is provided in the Act for Advancement of
Trade that the Right honble the Lord Proprietary should
before the last day of August 1685 for the quick Dispatch of
Shipps &c Appoint in Wicocomoco, St Maries Patuxent and
Ann Arundel for the Western side of this Province & in Talbot
and Somerset Counties for the Eastern Shore Some fit Officer
or Officers for the Entring and Clearing of Ships in the said
Severall and respective places for want of which Trade has

p. 565

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 171   View pdf image (33K)
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