Assembly Proceedings, Nov. 14-Dec. 8, 1688. 165
said upper house of Assembly, that his Lordships and the
Countrys Business be no longer Impeded.
So We Subscribe Sr Your v.ery Loving Friends,
To the Honourable William Digges William Joseph
in Charles County or else where Henry Darnall
The same to Coll Pye Nicholas Sewall
Clement Hill.
Mr Doyne you being Ordered to press horse and Man, to
Carry a Letter to Coll Digges and another to Coll Pye for the
quicker dispatch power is hereby granted to those you send
by the Upper house of Assembly to press horse or horses in
the afd Journey Going or Coming.
Signed pr Order Tho: Grunwin Cl of Assembly.
Mr James Round to acquaint this house that the Lower
house are Adjourned
This house Adjourned till to Morrow Morning 8 a Clock.
The 20th day of November 1688.
The Upper house mett again
Lib. W. H.
The honourable
William Joseph Esqr
Coll Henry Darnall
Majr Nicholas Sewall
Clement Hill Esqr
Mr George Lingan, Mr Hawkins, & Mr Harris with this
Lower house 20th November 1688.
Upon calling over the Members of this house there is found
Missing Mr Daniel Clarke of Dorchester County who is Dele-
gate for the said County and being Informed by some Mem-
bers there that the said Clarke is detained from his Attend-
ance here by a occasion of a Warrant from the County
Commissioners of Dorchester County being in Pursuance of
an Order to them from the honourable the President and Coll
Darnall, therefore the Upper house is desired to Enquire of
their honours for what matter and Cause their said Member is
detained that this house may be Able to Judge whether the
said member be not Detained against the Rights and Privi-
leges thereof and that the Upper house will Signifie their
honours answer to this house
Signed pr Order William Dent Cl of the Lower house
Major Nicholas Sewall goes with this Message in Answer
to the last.