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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 164   View pdf image (33K)
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164 Assembly Proceedings, Nov. 14-Dec. 8, 1688.

Lib. W. H.

And if what relates to Our Duty in Referrence to these four
be duely Disgested and passed accordingly into Law, I Doubt
not thereby but you will gain blessings from Heaven favour
from your Prince Love from your Lord and thanks everlast-
ing from the People, And further I am to assure you, that it
will be your faults, not Ours, if this proves not the most
famous the most happy and most renowned Assembly that
ever yet sat in Maryland, So God of his Mercy bless and
prosper all your Good Intents. Amen

The Speech being Ended the Speaker and Members return
to their own house
Mr Robotham and Doctor Brookes & desire the Journals
since his Lordships Dominion over this Province and the
Book of Laws & brings this Message.

Lower house 19th November 1688.
This house desire the Upper house to send the last Writts
of Elections for Charles and St Maries County of Mr Coad
and Mr Hawkins to this house.
Signed pr Order William Dent Cl of the Lower house.

Mr Clement Hill goes to the Lower house and Carries with
him the returns of the Elections of Mr Hawkins and Mr Coode
which this house takes to be the meaning of the last Message
by Mr Robotham and Doctor Brookes, the said Mr Hill to
acquaint the Lower house that they shall suddenly have all
the Journals to be found since his Lordships Dominion; he
returns and Says he has Delivered his Message.

p. 560

Mr Secry Sewall goes to the Lower house with the Book of
Laws & the Journals required by the Lower house, he returns
and Says he has delivered the same
Ordered that a Letter be Writt to Coll Digges and another
to Coll Pye to Summons them to this house which were as
St Maries 19th November 1688.
Coll Digges
We have long Since Expected your Company here in his
Lordships Upper house of Assembly But now there is every
hour more and more occasion for your Assistance It is very
much to his Lordships prejudice as also his People that Busi-
ness goes so slowly on for We cannot Join in Committee with
the Members of the Lower house in any Business till fortified
with more Company We being in Number no more then what
are the Subscribers hereunto you are therefore immediately
upon Sight hereof to repair to and appear in this his Lordships

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 164   View pdf image (33K)
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