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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 166   View pdf image (33K)
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166 Assembly Proceedings, Nov. 14-Dec. 8, 1688.

Lib. W. H.
p. 561

Upper house of Assembly 20 Novemr 1688.
This house upon the last Message Concerning Mr Daniel
Clarke brought by Mr Lingan Mr Hawkins and Mr Harris do
say that according to the said Message they have enquired of
his honour the President and Coll Darnall of the Matter who
for answer say that they know Nothing of the said Clarkes
Detainment or whether he be detained or not but do say that
on the 30th of October last Petition and Complaint was made
to their honours by the Wife of the said Clerk of divers Inhu-
mane Usages and beastly Crimes Acted and Committed by
her said Husband; which whole matter was by their honours
Transmitted and referred to the Justices of the Peace for Dor-
chester County to be by them further Examined as by the
Copy of their Letter to the said Justices herewith sent it doth
and may Appear and further their Honrs know not
Signed pr Order Tho: Grunwin Cl of Assembly

Major Sewall returns and says he has delivered his Message
Dr Brookes from the Lower house and says that the Lower
house does desire to know whether this house have any Busi-
ness for the Lower house, and was Answered that this house
were preparing Business but that the same will not be ready
this night.
Clement Hill Esqr goes to the Lower house and to know if
the Lower house has any thing to Communicate to this house
to night, if not this house will Adjourn,
he returns and Says the Lower house have not further to
Communicate this Night
This house Adjourned till to Morrow Morning 8 a Clock.

The 21th November 1688
The Upper house Sat again

The honourable

Mr William Joseph
Coll Henry Darnall
Major Nicholas Sewall
Clement Hill Esqr

Coll Edward Pye then came into this house who desired he
might be Excused for his Absence from this house hitherto by
reason as he Affirmed that he was so Afflicted with Sickness
that he could not Attend this house as he would otherwise
have done.

The said Excuse Admitted and Allowed of.

Mr Robotham from the Lower house and desires that the
last Proclamation Concerning Towns may be sent to the


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 166   View pdf image (33K)
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