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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 163   View pdf image (33K)
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Assembly Proceedings, Nov. 14-Dec. 8, 1688. 163

ing; Wherefore I do in behalf of myself and the rest of the
Depty Lieutenants Prorogue this present Assembly untill the
19th Day of this present Month of November; And the same
is hereby accordingly Prorogued; And so ended this present
Sessions of Assembly.
Memorandum that immediately after the said Prorogation
the Honourable the President required Mr Cheseldyne the
Speaker and the rest of the Members to take the Oath of
fidelity to the Right Honble the Lord Proprietary as the Law
directs which after some Debates the said Speaker and the
rest of the Members did accordingly all take Except Thomas
Thurston a Quaker who desired to be dispensed with in
Regard of his Opinion, To which the President readily Com-

Lib. W. H

Journall of the Upper house of Assembly by Prorogation
the 17th Day of this Instant Month of November Pro-
rogued to this present i gth Day of November at which said
19th Day of November Anno 1688 were present of the Upper

p. 559

The honourable

William Joseph Esqr
Coll Henry Darnall
Major Nicholas Sewall
Clement Hill Esqr

Mr Anthony Underwood and Mr William Harris two of the
Members of the Lower house to acquaint this house that the
Speaker and the rest of the Members are ready to attend this
house, And were Answered that this house will give Notice
when they are ready.

Clement Hill Esqr goes to Mr Beales to acquaint the Speaker
and the rest of the Members that this house is ready, and
desired them to Attend. He returns having Delivered his

The Speaker and the Members of the Lower house Enter
this house

The President Speaks to them as followeth.


The Law and Government being now Satisfied in the point
of fidelity I am to tell you that the reasons for calling you. at
this time are the same with those Delivered you in my Speech
to both houses of Assembly on Wednesday the 14th of this
Instant November, a true Coppy whereof I herewith deliver to
the End the same may be duely Considered for the whole
Business you are to go upon is therein Divided under these
four heads to witt, of God, the King, Our Lord, and Selves,


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 163   View pdf image (33K)
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