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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 162   View pdf image (33K)
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162 Assembly Proceedings, Nov. 14-Dec. 8, 1688.

Lib. W. H.

4th That we have been and Still are as by Our former
Messages willing and ready to take the Oath of fidelity accord-
ing to Law not for fear of the Penalties Intimated in what was
Spoken by the President But as it is Our duty and the naturall
& direct Result of Our Affection.
5th That that word Rebellion ought not to be in any
Message from the Upper house to the Lower house unless
accompanied with an Impeachment against the Person or
Persons that are guilty
6th. That this house neither do nor did pretend to have
any Priviledge to breake or Disobey the Law but do in the
name of the whole Province which we Represent Demand the
Benefit of the Laws of England and of this Province as our
Inherent & Just right which we have hitherto been deprived
of in not having the last Writts of Election and Journalls
returned as desired by this house.

p. 558

7th That this house knows not how to Satisfie the Law
and Government in the Business of the Oath of fidelity other-
ways or better than they have done already.
Signed pr Order William Dent Cl of the Lower house.

Clement Hill Esqr goes to the Lower house with this

Upper house of Assembly 17th November 1688.
This house do desire that the Lower house their Speaker
and Clerk do forthwith attend his Lordship in his Upper
house of Assembly.
Signed pr Order Tho: Grunwin Cl of Assembly.

Coll Jowles, Mr Harris, Mr Hawkins and Mr John Stone
with this Message or Resolve.

Lower house of Assembly 17 Novemr 1688.
Resolve in this house Nemine Contradicente, That the
Resolve of the Upper house this Day sent here by the honour-
able Clement Hill Esqr not to proceed any further in Business
with this house being before they had desired a Conferrence
is against the Priviledges of this house and Unparliamentary.
Signed pr Order William Dent Cl of the Lower house.

The Lower house with their Speaker and Clerk Enter this
house the President Speaks to them as followeth.

I am Sorry to find such unhappy Misunderstandings as
hitherto has happened between both houses to the Impeding
and hindering the great Good Intended by this present Meet-

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 162   View pdf image (33K)
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