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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 161   View pdf image (33K)
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Assembly Proceedings, Nov. 14-Dec. 8, 1688. 161

The said Mr Clement Hill returns and says that meeting
the Speaker near the Door he askt Mr Hill if he was Come to
the Lower house with a Message from the Upper house who
told him he was, Whereupon the Speaker desired his Excuse
that they were not in a Capacity to receive any Message being
resolved into a Grand Committee.

Lib. W. H.

Captain Joseph Pile and Mr John Stone from the Lower
house and says the Lower house are now ready to receive any
Message from this house.
Clement Hill Esqr with the aforesaid Message goes again
and returns having Delivered the Same.
Captain Richard Hill Coll Jowles, Mr Robotham, Mr Brooke,
Mr Lingan & Mr Pile with this Message from the Lower

Lower house of Assembly 17 November 1688.
This house as is their Bounden duty have Attended his
Lordships Commands in both Upper and Lower houses of
Assembly and do declare that it is their Duty to Express their
fidelity to his Lordship and do not know of any one Individuall
Member of this house that directly or indirectly refuses so to
doe or that hath in any wise Either within this house or out of
the Same used any Speech to the Contrary for should this
house be made Sensible of any Such or other Misbehaviour
by any Member thereof this house by Virtue of the Power and
Authority in them Inherent would proceed against every such
Person and Severely punish the Same, But having no knowl-
edge Neither of that nor any other unreverent or undutifull
Deportment in any of their said Members whereby to give
any Offence Cannot but highly resent Divers words and
Expressions Contained in a Speech made to them by the
honourable the President in his Lordships Upper house of
Assembly and are very sorry that such unusuall and such
unjust proceedings should be Imposed upon them which this
house thinks is prejudiciall to the power Authority Validity
and priviledges of the Same. Therefore —
Ist Resolved that this house to their great grief and trouble
have met not only with Unexpected but unreasonable and
unjust Disturbances, But as by the Journall of this house, this
house is in no wise guilty of the Same.
2d Resolved that there is a great Difference between the
Oath of fidelity and Allegiance Either of which or both we
have and are always willing to take according to Law.
3d That what Oath is or has been proposed to the house
of Commons in Parliamt in the Kingdom of England was
never proposed and Consequently never refused by the Lower
house of Assembly in Maryland.

p. 557

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 161   View pdf image (33K)
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