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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 153   View pdf image (33K)
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Assembly Proceedings, Nov. 14-Dec. 8, 1688. 153

give (Considering the Charge of Government) the tenth part
of what they cost, wherefore as my Lord of his part never did
(as he never will) Burthen the People whereby to be Reim-
bursed the said Charge so will it be an Act of the highest
Ingratitude in the People if of their part they do not Justly
and freely pay what is or of right ought to be my Lord's dues.
But as your Care (Gentlemen) to Rectifie abuses (if any be) of
this nature is no ways Doubted so I shall and do desist the
further pressing of this Point to the Intent I may the sooner
Come to the fourth and last Part of Our Duty which is —
That you take all Due Care of Yourselves.
That is to say of the People whose Representatives you are
and this you cannot better do then by providing such good
and wholesome Laws as shall in the first place Suppress all
Publick Sin and Scandall as said in the first part of Duty
towards God least for the Publick Sins of the People God
should Inflict the whole province with Plagues and Judgments
from Heaven, and next unto this your care will be to Study
the Generall Good of the People as well by Deviseing as
readily Complying with all such Acts as by the Blessing of
God shall happen to be proposed in this Assembly which shall
any ways tend to the security of right and reall Good of the
People in General and herein all private and Self Interest is
to be abhorred, so nationally concerned for the publick ought
you and every of you to be unto all which I shall freely Con-
tribute with all the faculties of a truely Willing heart & Mind;
So God of his Mercy guide direct bless and prosper all your
Good & faithfull undertakings Amen.
Gentlemen I have one thing more to offer which is: First
by way of Advice, that before you Begin to make Laws you
do not begin to breake Laws and —
Secondly by way of Demand, That you and every of you
(as I for Example will) take the Oath of Fidelity to the Right
Honourable the Lord Proprietary as the Law Directs which if
any refuse to do the Government will according to that Law
proceed, for if you Obey not the Laws that are made, who,
think you, will obey the Laws that are to make? So God of
his Mercy Direct you as before is prayed.

Which Speech being Ended the Lower house departed to
their own house.
Then was the Oath of Fidelity Administred by the Hon-
ourable Coll Henry Darnall to the Honourable William
Joseph Esqr who having taken it Administred the Same Oath
to the said Coll Darnall and Clement Hill Esqr with this
Addition or Salvo; of saving their Allegiance to the King.
Doctor John Brooke and Mr Stephen Luffe from the Lower
house with this Message Vizt

Lib. W. H.

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 153   View pdf image (33K)
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