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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 154   View pdf image (33K)
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154 Assembly Proceed-ings, Nov. 14-Dec. 8, 1688.

Lib. W. H.

Lower house of Assembly 14 November 1688.
This house according to the last Proclamation of the 13th
of this Instant Novemr are met and called over and thereupon
this house find by Report and Information of Some Members
of this house that one of the members and Delegates of this
house for St Maries County Vizt Mr Richard Gardiner and
one Member for Charles County Vizt Mr Thos Burford are
since the last Sessions of Assembly Departed this Life this
house therefore pray the Upper house to enquire of his Lord-
ship whether the Vacancies aforesaid are not Supplyed, if not
that Writts of Election may issue according to the form of the
Act of Assembly to Supply the Same
Signed pr Order William Dent Cl of the Lower house.

The honourable Major Sewall Comes into this house and
the President Administers to him the Oath of Fedelity with the
Salvo of his Allegiance to the King
Major Sewall goes to the Lower house with this Message

p. 552

Upper house of Assembly 14th November 1688.
This house do desire that the Lower house before they
Enter upon Business would take the Oath of fidelity according
to that part of the presidents Speech relating Thereunto and
according to the Promise of the Lower house in a Message of
theirs of the 29th of October 1686. The Members of this
house having taken the said Oath alreadye upon Notice from
the Lower house that they are ready to take the said Oath
this house will send a Member of the Same to Administer the
said Oath as the Law Directs
Signed pr Order Thos Grunwin Cl of Assembly.

Major Sewall returns having Delivered his Message.
Mr George Lingan and Mr Stephen Luffe from the Lower
house with this Message following.

Lower house the 14th November 1688.
This house have perused and Considered of their Message
of the 29th of Octobr 1686 and cannot therein find that this
house made any such Promise as in the Message by the
honourable Major Sewall is Intimated, This house did then
and Still do say that they always shall Manifest their Fidelity
to his Lordship, and the reason this house then gave for not
making any Declaration thereof according to the Act of
Assembly was because the same was not proposed in due
time which reasons still remain (this being the Same Assembly)
and therefore this house Conceives the same Answer may be
Satisfactory to the Upper house now as it was then
Signed pr Order William Dent Cl of the Lower house.

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 154   View pdf image (33K)
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