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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 152   View pdf image (33K)
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152 Assembly Proceedings, Nov. 14-Dec. 8, 1688.

Lib. W. H.

mended alone but also the Care of all other Matters (to the
best of Our Skill and power) which any ways relate to his
Majestys Service, for that such are his Lordships Express
Commands to us.
There is one thing yet remains upon which I will (before I
conclude this Our Second part of Duty) move the Gentlemen
of this honourable Assembly which is that an Anniversary Act
may Unanimously pass of General Thanksgiving to Almighty
God for the Infinite Blessing which God of his Goodness has
been pleased to bestow on their Sacred Majesties their Sub-
jects and Dominions in the Birth of so Noble and glorious a
Prince to be held and kept holy throughout this Province on
every Tenth Day of June during the whole Life of the Prince,
which (God who of his mercy gave him) Grant may be long
and happy, and to that intent with the Royal Prophet Joining
Say, Give the King thy Judgments O God and thy Righteous-
ness unto the Kings Son.
The third part of End and Duty whereof I spoke is that
which by the Blessing of God shall Occur in Referrence to his
Excellency the Lord Proprietary of this Province
Gentlemen I hope there are not any (in this present Generall
Assembly) so Wicked as (by Machiavilian Principles) shall go
about to divide the Interests of my Lord and his People which
indeed are not two Interests but one for that whatsoever shall
be for the Good and welfare of his People is also the undoubted
Good and Welfare of my Lord whose Chief care and Study is
to Encrease wealth and Ease to the Inhabitants of Maryland
wherefore who ever shall endeavour to Divide the hearts of
the People from my Lord, or my Lord from the People let
him (by this Assembly) be Declared a Traitor to Our God,
King, Lord and People.
My Lord, Gentlemen desires nothing of us but that we pro-
vide well for the People, for that by so doing we provide as
well for my Lord as my Lord desires.
He is not (Gentlemen) the Man that puts either the King
or People to Charge of or for Government but is one that
really endeavours to promote the Interests of both by all
meanes to him possible tho there's nothing more certain then
that his Lordship and his Lordships Ancestors of ever noble
and happy Memory have with the Hazard of their lives Buried
a vast Estate in the first Subduement and Since Continued
Settlement of this Province to the Allegiance of Our Sov-
ereign Lord the King, to a farr greater Value than the Profits
of this Province do (or are like to do) or Amount unto; nor
is any thing more apparent, (then) if his Lordships Interests
in America were to be disposed of that there's none would

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, April 1684-June 1692
Volume 13, Page 152   View pdf image (33K)
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