Assembly Proceedings, April 1-26, 1684.
bills return-
ed assented
to by the vpper
Major Sewall and Edward Pye Esqr bring from
the vppr house The ffollowing bills, Assented Too
by the vpper house, (vizt) An Additionall & sup-
plementary Act to the Act for Advancemt of
An Act for reviveing the Temporary lawes of this province
And Three severall bill for Naturalizaccon, as alsoe a mes-
sage which being read is as followeth (vizt)
A message
about repaires
of the State
Upper house Aprill the 25th 1684
The necessary repaires of the State house
recommended by this house to the Consideraccon
of the Lower house, This house desires may be
p. 48
Expedited and sent vp to this house for their Concurrence.
Signd p Ordr John LLewellin Cl of Assembly
The debate therevpon Referred To the Consideraccon of a
full house.
The house Adjourne Till To morrow morning seven a
Satterday Aprill the 26th 1684
The house mett and Called all prsent as Yesterday.
Then was read what was Done Yesterday.
Mr Ennalls
Proposed by a member of this house, that the
Case of Mr Bartholomew Ennalls A member of this
house for Dorchester County, being absent from
this house; this [whole] meeting be taken Into Consider-
accon, Wherevpon Doctour Jno Brooke the [other] Delegate
for the sayd County, In Excuse of the sayd Mr Ennalls sayth
Doct Brookes
gives reasone
for his Absence
that, A few [dayes] before the meeting of this
Assembly, some servants of Mr Ennalls had
Robbed the [sayd] master of divers goods to a
Considerable vallue, and had alsoe Taken away
[his Shallope] and runn away with the shallop and goods to
Virginea, and that Mr [Ennalls] in pursute of them, But wth
resolution to returne time enough to [give] Due Attendance,
vpon this house, But since he is not come he sayth he [fears
at present] that some Extraordinary Accident hath happened
to him, and [hopes] he may be Excused. Voted that the
Excuse made by doctor Brooke [in the] behalfe of Mr Ennalls
Is not
Mr Ennalls
be not Admitted: [And] it is therevpon further
Voted: That the sd Mr Bartholomew Ennalls [be
fined] Tenn pounds Sterling: vnless the said Mr
Ennalls, Doe make such lawfull excuse To the lower
house of the next Assembly for his absence this meeting, As
by the sayd Lower house of Assembly shall bee Admitted
And Entered vpon their Journall In discharge of the sayd fine