Assembly Proceedings, April 1-26, 1684. 105
Fryday Aprill the 25th 1684:
The house mett and Called, all present as yesterday:
Then was read what was done yesterday
A vote Con-
cerning the
Act for
killing woolves
Vpon ffurther debate concerning the Act for
killing of woolves Voted by this house, That the
Act made for killing of wolves in Anno 1671 be
left out of the reviveingf bill, because it appeares
to this house that the sayd Act being made Temporary is
Expired, & Cannot properly take force againe without a new
bill drawne and past both houses wth his Lops Assent.
vpon the
Then was read a bill Entitled an Act for revivemg
the Temporary Lawes of this province The Act for
proceedings at lawe & the Act for killing of woolves
being left out of the savd bill.
p. 47
Putt to the question whether the sd Bill of Revivall shall
pass the sayd Two Acts being left out as aforesd.
Past in the Affirmative
Capt Hill and Capt Peerce sent to the vpper house with the
sd Bill of revivall & the Bill for Naturalizeing Jacob Seth.
They returne and say they have delivered the same.
The Supple-
mentary act
amended and
sent vpp:
Mr Carvile then sent to the vpper house, wth the
Supplementary Act to [the Act for] Advancement
of Trade, And Ordered to Notice to the vppr house
that [the said] bill is mended by drawing over the
Two first sheets and, Incerting the [words] Therein as was
desired by the verball message by Coll Stevens.
He returnes and sayes he hath delivered the same, at that,
the vppr house
That as soe soone as they have perused the bills they will
returne them.
Lower house of Assembly Aprill the 25th 1684
The Attour-
neys spared
to the hearing
The members of this house that are Attourneyes
in the Tryalls vpon writts of Error in the vpper
house, have now the leave of this house, to Attend
the same as was desired by the vppr houses mes-
sage yesterday.
Signd pr Order C Boteler Cl of the Lower house &c.
wch message being read and Signd was sent the vppr house
by Mr Burford.
The house Adjournes Till Three A Clock afternoon
The house mett and called all prsent as before
Report of
the Com-
mittee of
The Committee of Accots proceed to report to this
house their further Allowances, since yesterday: wch
are approved of by this house, And Ordered to bee
Added to the bill for payment of the publique Charge.