Assembly Proceedings, April 1-26, 1684. 107
Coll Diggs from the vpper house, Acquaints this house,
that if this house have prepared all the Publique business, His
Lopp is ready to Conclude this sessions. He alsoe delivers a
message which being read is as ffolloweth:
Uppr house of Assembly, Aprill the 26th 1684
A fee for
the publique
leavy desired.
ihe Publique Leavy of this province haveing
been vsually stated by the Clerke of this house, by
order and Appoyntment of his Lopp wherein great
Care paines and Labour hath been vsed, This
house vote and thinke necessary That a fee or gratuity for the
same be settled vpon the said Clerke or that the lower house
would now in future Assemblyes see the same Ellected before
the adjournment prorogation or dissolution of such Assembly
Signd p Ordr John LLewellin Cl of Assembly
The bill for
of the publique
Charges past:
Then was read a bill Entitled An Act for pay-
ment of the publique Charges of this province, The
first, second and alsoe the Third time by Speciall
Ordr of the house, And past in these words (vizt)
Aprill the 26th 1684 The Lower house have Assented
Signd p Ord C Boteler Cl of the lower house of Assembly
Sent vp: wth
to the message
about a fee
the Leavy
Mr Carvile and Capt Orsborne sent to the vppr
house wth the sayd bill, And In Answere to the
Last message in writeing are Ordered to Acquaint
the vppr house That there is vsually vpon Every
Leavy, a Considerable sum of Tobacco as a
fraccon remayning, wch this house is Content, should be payd
to Mr LLewellin he being Accomptable to the next Assembly
for the same Out of which hee may bee Allowed reasonable
satisfaction for his paynes In stateing the Leavy.
p. 49
The booke
Roles of lawes
and Journalls
And if no such fraccon remayne, then to bee
Allowed by the next Assembly. Mr ffrizby Sent
to the vppr house wth the bookes and Roles of
lawes, And alsoe the Journalls, wch have been vsed
in the Lower house this Assembly.
Then Came Mr Secry Darnall And desired the proceedings
of the Committee of Accounts may be Transmitted to the
vpper house, as alsoe the Oath of fidelity drawn [up by the]
Committee of both houses.
Capt Hill and Mr Brooke sent with the same to the vpper house.
Order to
the Journall
of the Grand
Ordered that the Clerke of this house Transcribe
the Journall of the Gr[and Committee] Into the
Journall of this house, Keepeing the due Rule and
Order of time in sayd Journalls, to make them
agree in themselves, as they ought.